Mirtis kaip vertybių matas pietų aukštaičių pasaulėvaizdyje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Mirtis kaip vertybių matas pietų aukštaičių pasaulėvaizdyje
Alternative Title:
Death as a measure of values ​​in the worldview of the Southern Aukštaitians
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje remiantis tarmių žodynų ir tekstų medžiaga siekiama parodyti, kaip mirtį suvokia pietų aukštaičių patarmės vartotojai, kokie mirties bruožai ir vertinimas slypi tarminiame diskurse. Straipsnio tikslas – aptarti pietų aukštaičių pasaulėvaizdyje įsitvirtinusį mirties vaizdą vertybiniu aspektu. Tyrimas atliktas remiantis Liublino etnolingvistinės mokyklos metodologija. Medžiagos analizė parodė, kad baziniams mirties kaip vertybės įsivaizdavimo bruožams būdingi keli esminiai semantiniai aspektai – biologinis, aksiologinis, fizinis, religinis ir patriotinis. Iš jų ryškiausi – biologinis, aksiologinis ir religinis. Reikšminiai žodžiai: mirtis, vertybė, aspektas, pietų aukštaičiai, pasaulėvaizdis, išsamusis tarmės žodynas, tarminiai tekstai. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe article, based on the material of dialect dictionaries and texts, aims to show how the speakers of the Southern Aukštaitian subdialect perceive death, what features and evaluations of death are hidden in the discourse on dialects. The article aims to discuss the image of death that has taken root in the worldview of the Southern Aukštaitian in terms of value. The study is based on the methodology of the Lublin Ethnolinguistic School. The analysis of southern Aukštaitian dialect sources reveals the genesis of the concept of death and reflects the current perception of death. The basic features of death of the Southern Aukštaitian are characterized by several essential semantic aspects – biological, axiological, physical, religious and patriotic. The most prominent of these are biological, axiological, and religious. The archaic image of death is quite well preserved in the worldview of the people who speak the Southern Aukštaitian. Collective memory reflects the unique experience of the agricultural ethnos passed down from generation to generation. When people die, they merge with nature – their bodies are returned to earth from which they came. This is also shown by the frequently used phrases meaning death with the words žemė ‘earth’ and eiti, pareiti, važiuoti namo ‘to go home’.The concept of death as a measure of equality and compensation is very clear in the worldview of the Southern Aukštaitians. The role of death as an evaluator of man’s life is especially emphasized and should be related not only to Christian tradition but also to the old Lithuanian pagan worldview. The prevailing Christian concept of death in the discourse on dialects is largely positively connotated – all those who die a natural death can expect a just compensation for life on earth and God’s mercy. According to dialect sources, death is not only an inevitable thing for the Southern Aukštaitians, a natural end to human life on earth, the decay of the material human beginning (body), but also a measure of the quality of life and relationship with values that ensures equality and justice, provides hope for posthumous existence and compensation. Keywords: death, value, aspect, Southern Aukštaitians, worldview, comprehensive dialect dictionary, dialect texts. [From the publication]

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2024-02-24 20:04:43
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