Klaipėdos ir Šilutės ypatingųjų aplinkybių pinigai: užmiršti svarbūs istoriniai faktai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Klaipėdos ir Šilutės ypatingųjų aplinkybių pinigai: užmiršti svarbūs istoriniai faktai
Alternative Title:
Money of special circumstances in Klaipėda and Šilutė: some important historical facts have been forgotten
In the Journal:
Res humanitariae. 2023, t. 31, p. 139-153
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjama Klaipėdos ir Šilutės miestų 1918–1923 m. išleistų ypatingųjų aplinkybių pinigų tema. Pagrindinis dėmesys skiriamas bandymui nustatyti, kada šie pinigai buvo išleisti į apyvartą ir kiek laiko jie cirkuliavo, taip pat nurodyti jų išleidimo priežastis bei pateikti naują informaciją apie šių pinigų kūrimo aplinkybes. Tyrimas leido atskleisti daug nežinomų faktų – patikslinti datas, įvardyti naujas pinigų išleidimo priežastis ir sužinoti asmenis, kurie prisidėjo prie šių pinigų kūrimo. Pagrindiniai žodžiai: ypatingųjų aplinkybių popieriniai pinigai, notgeldai, markės, Klaipėda, Šilutė. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe article examines the issue of money in special circumstances in the towns of Klaipėda and Šilutė between 1918 and 1923. The focus is on trying to work out when this money was put into circulation, and for how long it circulated. The aim is to find out the reasons for the issue of the money, and to provide new information about the circumstances of creating the money. The investigation has revealed many previously unknown facts. It was established that the special circumstances money of Šilutė and Klaipėda was put into circulation later than the dates indicated on it, and it was in circulation for longer than expected. The fourth, the so-called Zuderman edition (28 May 1921), was issued on 22 November and 13 December. This money remained in circulation until May 1922. The half-mark coin of Klaipėda city was issued not in 1917, but at the end of 1918 or in 1919. It could have been in circulation until 31 December 1921. The first issue of money by Klaipėda Regional Chamber of Commerce (22 February 1922) was in 1922, then in the last week of September, and then in mid-December, and was valid until 30 August 1923. The reason for the first issues was the lack of medium-value coins. According to Zuderman, the last issue of Šilutė money and the money of the Klaipėda Region Chamber of Commerce was officially due to the lack of coins, but the real reason was the desire to supplement the city’s budget: it was coins for collectors. The writer H. Zuderman himself contributed to the creation of the coins for the last edition, writing articles specifically about this money. Erich Wilke, a German political cartoonist, graphic artist and etcher, prepared the coin projects for all Klaipėda region chambers of commerce. Key words: necessity paper money, Notgeld, Mark, Klaipėda (in German Memel), Šilutė (in German Heydekrug). [From the publication]

1822-7708; 2538-922X
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2023-12-27 18:09:01
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