Stilistikos didaktikos aktualijos mokant(is) lietuvių kalbos kaip negimtosios

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Stilistikos didaktikos aktualijos mokant(is) lietuvių kalbos kaip negimtosios
Alternative Title:
Current issues in the didactics of stylistics when teaching / learning Lithuanian as a non-native language
In the Journal:
Res humanitariae. 2023, t. 31, p. 8-30
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aptariamos lietuvių kalbos kaip negimtosios stiliaus mokymo(si) problemos. Tyrimo tikslas – taikant kokybinius metodus, išanalizuoti lietuvių kaip negimtosios kalbos stiliaus mokymo(si) nuostatas Bendruosiuose užsienio kalbos mokymo(si) ir vertinimo metmenyse bei lietuvių kaip svetimosios kalbos mokymo(si) turinio apraše "Aukštuma" ir palyginti su publikuota suaugusiesiems skirta mokomąja medžiaga. Atlikus tyrimą nustatyta, kad, pagal šias nuostatas, kalbos stilistinės diferenciacijos turėtų būti mokoma(si) nuo B2 lygio, tačiau šiai sričiai mokomojoje medžiagoje dėmesio skiriama labai mažai. Tik viename iš nagrinėtų mokomųjų šaltinių pateikiama šiek tiek daugiau žodžių, besiskiriančių stilistiniais atspalviais, tačiau užduotys formuluojamos ne visur atkreipiant dėmesį į žodžių ir pastoviųjų žodžių junginių stilistinę reikšmę. Pagrindiniai žodžiai: stiliaus didaktika, lietuvių kaip negimtosios kalbos mokymas, registras, funkcinis stilius. [Iš leidinio]

ENWith Lithuania’s accession to the European Union and the influx of Ukrainian refugees, the number of foreign nationals wishing to learn Lithuanian to the highest level of proficiency, and to integrate more successfully into the Lithuanian labour market, has increased. However, in order to become a fully fledged language user, and to be able to master not only the spoken language but also the business language, the problem of the stylistic differentiation of language arises. Therefore, this article focuses on current issues of teaching the stylistics of Lithuanian as a non-native language. The aim of the study is to analyse the provisions of the ‘Common Framework of Reference for the Teaching and Assessment of Foreign Languages’ (the Framework), and of the contents of the Aukštuma descriptor of teaching/learning Lithuanian as a foreign language, and to compare them with the published teaching materials for adults. Qualitative research methods were used to achieve this aim. The recommendations of the Framework and Aukštuma for teaching/ learning types of style were analysed, and their application in published teaching materials for the respective language level was examined. The study shows that in order to apply the latest recommendations of the Framework (2020), the developers of teaching materials and teachers are confronted with the use of terms in these recommendations to refer to stylistic phenomena that are different from the usual usage in Lithuanian stylistics. An analysis of the concept of register, common in Western linguistics, suggests that it can be seen as a kind of continuation of the theory of functional styles, a subdivision of the functional style, especially in the case of smaller varieties of the spoken language. In accordance with the recommendations of the Framework, more emphasis should be placed on teaching/learning types of style from Level B2 onwards.Both the Framework and Aukštuma indicate that learners should be able to recognise and produce a wide range of texts in a variety of functional style genres, and to respond to changes in register. However, as is shown by the study, the teaching materials are designed mainly to teach vocabulary, and the selection of texts does not pay much attention to genre diversity, with a predominance of journalistic genres (with very few texts from other functional styles included). The Framework states that learners should already be able to recognise and learn to use stylistically marked words and expressions from Level B2 onwards, while Level C1 users should already be able to understand the vernacular. A study of the teaching materials in use shows that only one Level B2/C1 teaching aid for teaching/learning vocabulary, Ramutė Bingelienė’s "Kad nepritrūktų žodžių" (To Avoid Running out of Words) (which juxtaposes common language words with different stylistic and emotional connotations), provides a more detailed introduction to the specificity of the use of stylistically marked words. When preparing publications of this kind, the wording of the assignments should be specified by drawing the learner’s attention more closely to stylistic and emotional shades, and the limits of synonymy. Moreover, both "Aukštuma" and the teaching materials avoid using popular vernacular varieties of Lithuanian, even though this is recommended by the Framework. Key words: didactics of style, teaching Lithuanian as a non-native language, register, functional style. [From the publication]

1822-7708; 2538-922X
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