Tamsa viduje (nužudymai Klaipėdoje 2004-2014 metais)

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Tamsa viduje (nužudymai Klaipėdoje 2004-2014 metais)
Alternative Title:
Darkness inside (murders in Klaipėda over the period 2004 to 2014)
In the Journal:
Tiltai [Bridges] [Brücken]. 2023, Nr. 2 (91), p. 163-189
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjama nužudymo fenomeno raiška ir dinamika Klaipėdos mieste 2004–2014 metais. Šis laikotarpio, kuriam pradžią davė Lietuvos įstojimas į Europos Sąjungą, ypač svarbus visuomenės pokyčių kontekstas, tai suteikė straipsnio autoriams teorines ir praktines prieigas nužudymų fenomeno priežastingumo ir raiškos analizei. Sociologinė prieiga atskleidžia socialinį-demografinį aukos ir nužudymą įvykdžiusio asmens portretą, nužudymo fenomeno struktūrinės raiškos segmentų (amžius, lytis, socialinis statusas) kontekste. Straipsnyje pristatomi Nusikalstamų veikų žinybiniame registre (NVŽR) registruoti nužudymų statistiniai duomenys. Šių duomenų analizei autoriai tikslingai pasirinko pozityvistines išorinio suvaržymo ir smurto subkultūros teorijas, kurios turi praktinę prieigą atskleisti žmogžudysčių fenomeno struktūrinės raiškos segmentus besikeičiančioje visuomenėje. Tai lemia kito dešimtmečio (2015–2023) nužudymų fenomeno raiškos tyrimų tęstinumo prieigas. Straipsnyje pateikti tyrimo rezultatai orientuoja į nužudymų prevencijos strategijų visoms visuomenės struktūrinėms platformoms, ypač švietimo, teisės ir socialinės politikos, kūrimą. Pagrindiniai žodžiai: nužudymai (žmogžudystės), besikeičianti visuomenė, socialinis-demografinis aukos portretas, socialinis-demografinis nužudymą įvykdžiusio asmens portretas, nužudymų fenomeno struktūrinės raiškos segmentai, išorinio suvaržymo ir smurto subkultūros teorijos. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe article analyses the expression and dynamics of the phenomenon of murder in the city of Klaipėda between 2004 and 2014. Lithuania joined the European Union in 2004. This gave the authors of the article a theoretical and practical opportunity to analyse the reasons for and expression of the phenomenon of murder in the context of a changing society. The article is based on murder statistics in the Official Register of Criminal Acts (ORCA). The aim of the article is to present the phenomenon of murder committed in the city of Klaipėda between 2004 and 2014 from a sociological point of view, revealing the socio-demographic characteristics of the people who committed murder and their victims, and segments of the structural expression of the phenomenon of murder in the context of a changing society. The subject of the article: The expression and dynamics of the phenomenon of murder in the city of Klaipėda between 2004 and 2014. Research methods: Analysis of scientific literature and statistical data. Theoretical approach: For the data analysis, the authors purposefully applied the positivist theories of external restraint and subculture of violence, which have practical access to reveal the segments of the structural expression of the phenomenon of murder in a changing society. The sociological approach emphasises the reasons for crime as an expression of poverty, inequality, gender, a lack of education, conflicts of cultural values, and other social factors. Although the number of murders (like most other crimes) in Klaipėda and Lithuania has been declining for the last two decades, the number of these crimes remains high. During the period of societal transformation (since the restoration of Lithuania’s independence), the number of murders in Klaipėda ‘waved’.Although the article analyses the period 2004 to 2014, the context of the past and current decades reveals the uniqueness of the period presented in the concept of the phenomenon of murder. After the 1990s, three very high waves of murder were recorded: in 1993 and 1994, 1999 and 2000, and 2004 and 2005. After the third period in 2004 and 2005, with a very high fixed number of murders, a period of consistent decline started. The murder rate has fallen by nearly six times in recent decades. The period 2004 to 2014 presented by the authors reveals the dynamics of change in a changing society in all areas of life. The year 2004 was very important for the state of Lithuania: it became a member of the European Union. At that time, it had a very high murder rate compared to the level of this crime in the European Union. The first decade of Lithuania’s membership of the European Union was very dynamic, as the significant social, economic and cultural changes had a great influence on people’s social life and behaviour. Society also faced demographic changes: a new generation grew up, and extensive processes of emigration and immigration began. The article states that significant changes in the declining murder statistics started in the first decade after Lithuania joined the EU, and, as has already been mentioned, the research period was chosen not by chance. The dynamics of murder crimes are presented in statistical data in a broader time context: before 2004 and after 2014. In 1994, the murder rate in Lithuania was 14.2 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. In the city of Klaipėda, it was 18 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. In 2022, there were 3.7 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in Lithuania. However, in Klaipėda that year there were 12.3 cases per 100,000 inhabitants (although in 2021 there were only 1.5 cases per 100,000 inhabitants).This data is a sociological ‘intrigue’ that enables the constant monitoring and analysis of the change of segments of the structural expression of crimes and an assessment of the context of a changing society. Researchers are conducting more and more research on the phenomenon of murder in Lithuania. The article presents the general characteristics of research conducted by Lithuanian and foreign researchers. Empirical research, analysing the statistical data of segments of murders, confirmed the regularities of this phenomenon: 1) the people who committed murder have a low social status (more than 90% of people who committed murder are unskilled workers, unemployed, benefit recipients, people without a permanent place of residence); 2) the number of murders correlates with the violent experience of a changing society (the experience of the first decade of Lithuania’s independence); 3) the fact was confirmed that men kill much more often than women (men 89.7 %, women 10.3 % in the research period); 4) young men (18 to 24 years old) kill more often than people of other age groups (however, in Klaipėda during the research period, middle-aged men between the ages of 46 and 55 committed the most murders, and their victims were mostly people of the same age cohort); 5) the victims were mostly male (in Lithuania, 73 % were men and 27 % were women; in Klaipėda during the research period, 67.6 % were men and 32.4 % were women). [...] Key words: murder (homicide), changing society, socio-demographic portrait of the victim, socio-demographic portrait of the person who committed the murder, segments of the structural expression of the phenomenon of murder, theories of external restraint and subculture of violence. [From the publication]

1392-3137; 2351-6569
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