Adolfo Ramanausko-Vanago palaikų paieškos Našlaičių kapinėse Vilniuje

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Adolfo Ramanausko-Vanago palaikų paieškos Našlaičių kapinėse Vilniuje
Alternative Title:
Search for the remains of Adolfas Ramanauskas (Codename Vanagas) in the Orphans’ cemetery in Vilnius
In the Journal:
Archeologiniai tyrinėjimai Lietuvoje. 2019, 2018 metais, p. 609-617
Adolfas Ramanauskas-Vanagas; Vilnius. Vilniaus kraštas (Vilnius region); Lietuva (Lithuania); Kapinynai. Pilkapiai / Barrow. Burials; Archeologiniai tyrinėjimai / Archaeological investigations.
Summary / Abstract:

LTLGGRTC užsakymu Vilniaus senųjų kapinių, vadinamų Antakalnio kapinėmis, komplekso (UK 36243) senųjų kapinių, vadinamų Našlaičių kapinėmis (UK 2277), teritorijoje atlikti detalieji archeologiniai tyrimai ieškant Adolfo Ramanausko-Vanago palaikų. Lietuvos TSR 1956–1969 m. laikotarpiu kaliniams mirtininkams mirties bausmė buvo vykdoma Vilniuje, dviejose vietose: kriminaliniams nusikaltėliams – Lukiškių kalėjime, nuteistiems pagal politinius ar ekonominius straipsnius – KGB vidaus kalėjime (tardymo izoliatoriuje). Per šį laikotarpį Vilniuje sušaudyti 206 asmenys. Iš jų 130 sušaudyta Lukiškėse ir, sprendžiant iš įrašų bylose, užkasti kapinėse „Безродное“. Manoma, kad tai Antakalnio kapinių dalis, vadinama Našlaičių kapinėmis. Kiti 76 asmenys buvo sušaudyti KGB vidaus kalėjime (tardymo izoliatoriuje). Kaip pastebėjo istorikas Darius Indrišionis, politinių ir kriminalinių kalinių, nuteistų mirties bausme, egzekucijų datos dažnai sutapdavo. 1957–1963 m. laikotarpiu pastebėta 13 tokių sutapimų. [...]. [Iš teksto, p. 609]

ENBy order of the LGGRTC, an archaeological investigation was conducted on the grounds of the Orphans’ Cemetery in an effort to discover the remains of Lithuanian Post-War Partisan Leader Adolfas Ramanauskas (codename Vanagas), who was shot in 1957 in an investigation isolation cell in the KGB Inner Prison. During 1956–1969, prisoners in the Lithuanian SSR were executed at two locations in Vilnius: for criminal offences – in Lukiškės Prison; those sentenced for political or economic offences – in an investigation isolation cell in the KGB Inner Prison. During this period, 206 individuals were shot in Vilnius. Of them 130 were shot in Lukiškės and, judging from the entries in the files, interred in the ‘Безродное’ Cemetery, which is now the part of Antakalnis Cemetery called the Orphans’ Cemetery. Another 76 individuals were shot in an investigation isolation cell in the KGB Inner Prison. As Historian Darius Indrišionis has noted, the execution dates of political and criminal prisoners sentenced to death often coincide. During 1957–1963, 13 such coincidences have been noted. Based on these data, the hypothesis was proposed that the remains of political prisoners could have been interred together with the criminal prisoners, i.e. in the same Orphans’ Cemetery. In 2018, nine trenches (a total of 60 m2) were excavated in the Orphans’ Cemetery and 20 graves investigated. In 13 of them, the remains were discovered in coffins, apparently brought there for burial by various medical institutions. The remains of 12 individuals with gunshot injuries in the skull were discovered in 6 graves and exhumed. In two cases, one individual was interred in one grave, in two cases two individuals in one grave, and in two cases three individuals in one grave.Judging from the singularity of the age and height correlations of the discovered executed individuals, as well as the arrangement of their graves in the cemetery, it is possible to assert that the remains of both individuals shot for criminal offences in Lukiškės Prison and political prisoners shot in the KGB Inner Prison were successfully discovered. The identity of Partisans Adolfas Ramanauskas (codename Vanagas) (burial 27, individual 3) and Albinas Ivanauskas (codename Topolis) (burial 29, individual 1) were genetically confirmed. [From the publication]

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2023-12-22 11:49:16
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