Lietuvio kaimynai: draugai ar priešai? Kalbinė vaizdinių analizė

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvio kaimynai: draugai ar priešai? Kalbinė vaizdinių analizė
Alternative Title:
Neighbours of Lithuanians: friends or enemies? Linguistic analysis of mental images
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Lietuvių kalbos institutas, 2022.
627 p
Įvadas — I. Kaimynas — II. Draugas — III. Priešas — IV. Latvis — V. Baltarusis / Gudas — VI. Lenkas — VII. Rusas — VIII. Vokietis — Apibendrinamosios išvados — Šaltiniai — Literatūra — Summary.
Summary / Abstract:

LTKolektyvinėje monografijoje nagrinėjami kaimyno, draugo, priešo, latvio, baltarusio / gudo, lenko, ruso ir vokiečio vaizdiniai kalboje. Knygoje, derinant struktūrinį požiūrį į reikšmę su kognityviniu ir remiantis trimis šaltiniais – Lietuvių kalbos žodynu, Moderniosios tapatybės ideologinio naratyvo tekstynu ir Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos tekstynu, – siekiama parodyti žodžių reikšmių poslinkius ir atsakyti į klausimą, kaip kintant istorinėms, politinėms, ekonominėms, kultūrinėms ir kt. aplinkybėms keičiasi lietuvio požiūris ir santykis su kitu (kaimynu, draugu, priešu, latviu, baltarusiu / gudu, lenku, rusu, vokiečiu), kaip tą kitimą atspindi skirtingų laikotarpių diskursas. Knyga skiriama ne tik kalbos specialistui, studentui, bet ir etnologui, tautosakininkui, istorikui, kultūrologui ar besidominčiam kito vaizdinio dinamika lietuvio pasaulėžiūroje skirtingais laikotarpiais. [Anotacija knygoje]

ENThe collective monograph takes the egocentric perspective of the observer, the self, as the point of departure for the study of interpersonal relationship where the observed is always understood as the other. The attitude of a Lithuanian and his/her relationship with another person living at a relatively close distance, the neighbour, are discussed from this perspective. The neighbour is viewed from a relatively oppositional angle of the friend resp. enemy. Given the semantic neighbour-friend relationship, it is assumed that other potential relative relationships (love resp. hatred, etc.) will also become apparent through the mental images expressed by ethnonyms, which are analyzed on the basis of the friend-enemy opposition, and the dynamics of these images. Hence, the monograph begins with the investigation of the neighbour, friend and enemy, which is followed by the analysis of the chosen nationalities. Geographically, Latvians, Poles, Belarusians, Russians and Germans are (were) also Lithuania’s closest neighbours. This was the decisive factor in the initial choice to study the foreign groups designated by the lexemes latvis ‘Latvian’, lenkas ‘Pole’, haltarusis ‘Belarusian’, rusas ‘Russian’, vokietis ‘German’. In the analysis of the Belarusians denoted by a respective ethnonym, the so called Gudai close to them or, to be more precise, the southeastern Slavs (Russians, Poles, Belarusians, Ukrainians) are discussed as well. It is noteworthy that the lexeme gudas is polysemous, but the mental image of Gudai addressed in this work is associated with the meaning of Belarusians. The synchronically discussed period of neighbourhood covers roughly a century: from the early 20th to the early 21st centuries. Based on the published corpora, the period of one hundred years is conditionally divided into smaller segments of time; the monograph speaks about the dynamics of the boundaries and space of neighbourhood and the neighbourly relations.The research material covers three historical periods: independent Lithuania (1918-1939), Soviet Lithuania (1940-1941 and 1944-1989) and the re-established independent state of Lithuania (1990-). The monograph adheres to the assumption that the historical breakthroughs which took place in Lithuania in 1939-1940 and 1989-1990 could have impacted the development of the attitude of the Lithuanian people towards the neighbour and their mutual relationship. [...] The general research object is a person designated by the lexemes kaimynas ‘neighbour’, draugas ‘friend’, priešas ‘enemy’, latvis ‘Latvian’, lenkas ‘Pole’, baltarusis / gudas ‘Belarusian’, rusas ‘Russian’, vokietis ‘German’, who (newly) perceives another person in a certain period of time on the basis of his/her attitudes, i.e., the relatively (un)favourable evaluation; he/she gets to know the person in the neighbourhood through observation, (non)communication, (non)cooperation. By combining the structural and cognitive approach and drawing on the analysis of dictionary meanings and illustrative examples with the different forms of the words draugas, priešas, kaimynas, latvis, lenkas, baltarusis /gudas, rusas, vokietis in the corpora of the early 20th and early 21st centuries, the aim of the collective monograph is to reveal the shift in the meanings of words and to investigate the dynamics of the mental image of the other in Lithuanian worldviews during different periods.The mental images expressed by ethnonyms are approached from a more general perspective of the neighbour, friend and enemy. The mental images of Latvians, Poles, Belarusians/Gudai, Russians, Germans are analyzed with due regard to their contexts. To achieve the aim, the following objectives were set: 1) to analyze the data from the major Lithuanian explanatory dictionaries related to the definitions and the lexical semantic field of the words under study; 2) using a range of semantic analysis, interpretive and descriptive methods and combining the structural and cognitive approach to meaning (i.e., moving from the meaning(s) of a specific word to the sense of the whole sentence), analyze and discuss how the neighbour, friend, enemy and the people of other nationalities are evaluated in the context of three corpora; 3) to discuss a person of a different nation designated by an ethnonym in the contexts of cooperation, appearance, character traits, household, science, history, politics, culture, religion, etc. of other nations, in particular those addressed in the monograph; 4) referring to the corpora, find out whether/how the attitude of a Lithuanian and his/her relationship with the other changes in the face of the changing historical, political, economic, cultural, etc. circumstances and how that change reflects in the semantics and structure of the sentences under study. [From the publication]

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