Žmogiškųjų gebėjimų plėtra organizacijų praktikomis: atlyginimų atotrūkio ir darbo sąlygų įtaka moterims įgalinti

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Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Žmogiškųjų gebėjimų plėtra organizacijų praktikomis: atlyginimų atotrūkio ir darbo sąlygų įtaka moterims įgalinti
Alternative Title:
Developing human capabilities through organisational practices: the impact of pay gaps and working conditions on women's empowerment
In the Journal:
Lietuvos socialinė raida. 2022, Nr. 11, p. 86-97. Darbo rinkos transformacijos krizių akivaizdoje = Labour market transformations in the face of crises
Summary / Abstract:

LTSiekiant pagilinti darbo sąlygų poveikio moterų ir vyrų atlyginimų atotrūkiui supratimą, straipsnyje koncentruojamasi į mezolygmens – organizacijos – veiksnius laikantis nuomonės, kad dėl istoriškai vykusios socialinių ir kultūrinių procesų sąveikos organizacinėse struktūrose ir praktikose yra užkoduotas lyčių skirtumas ir dėl to plėtojasi skirtingos moterų ir vyrų veiklos sąlygos bei galimybės, susiformuoja skirtinga moterų ir vyrų padėtis. Be to, remiantis žmogiškųjų (su)gebėjimų požiūriu, organizacinės praktikos turi tiesioginį poveikį individams įgalinti organizacijose, todėl, jas analizuojant, galima atrasti skirtingos moterų ir vyrų padėties, taigi ir skirtingų atlyginimų organizacijose priežastis. Straipsnyje keliami klausimai – ar ir (jeigu taip) kaip organizacijos gali įgalinti darbuotojus gauti vienodą atlyginimą už tą patį darbą?, Todėl pristatomas pastaraisiais požiūriais paremtas konceptualus agentystės veikimo darbo aplinkoje ir darbo sąlygų poveikio pasiekimui darbe (t. y. darbo užmokesčiui) modelis bei jo empirinis patikrinimas, remiantis antrine VI Europos darbo sąlygų tyrimo duomenų analize. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad organizaciniai ištekliai veikia darbuotojų individualius išteklius stipriau, nei individualūs ištekliai – darbuotojų individualų atstovavimą (agentystę). Be to, individualūs ištekliai stiprina individualaus atstovavimo galimybes, bet neturi jokio poveikio darbo užmokesčiui kaip pasiekimui. Šie empiriniai argumentai paaiškina ir verčia pergalvoti konceptualų modelį suteikiant daugiau svarbos tokiai organizacinio gyvenimo dimensijai kaip darbuotojų santykis su vadove ar vadovu. Raktažodžiai: žmogiškieji gebėjimai, atlyginimų atotrūkis, lytis, įgalinimas. [Iš leidinio]

ENOne of the indicators of persisting gender inequality is gender pay gap (hereafter – GPG), which has not only economic and political but also moral implications as it undermines realization of (in most cases) women’s human capabilities such as the capability to achieve longevity, bodily health, senses, control over her environment, etc. Previous studies on the GPG had not been paying attention to effects of working conditions and employees’ involvement in his/her work settlement. Meanwhile the work conditions and a job quality can predict mental health issues, fatigue and burnout and have negative effects on health in general, cause poor work-life balance, etc. Therefore, taking a perspective to employee earnings as an indicator of empowerment created by organizations and their working conditions, we argue that GPG may also be a result of gendered organizational structures and practices as empowering organizational practices may create gender equality (e.g. as reflected by equal pay for equal work). Conceptually, the human capability approach sets empowerment of individuals for social agency as an ultimate goal. Following this approach, the gender equality in pay can be treated as enactment of the moral imperative to foster human dignity. Thus, the equality in earnings could serve as an indicator of empowerment which depends on institutional resources such as job demands, fair distribution of workload, career prospects, recognition and motivation, partnership-based relations with colleagues and management etc. to create individual resources such as self-confidence, feelings of meaningful work and professional identity. The research question – whether and, if so, how can organizations empower employees to achieve equal pay? – is explored accomplishing secondary analysis of the data from VI European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS – hereinafter), focusing on Lithuania as a case study.In operational terms, the conceptual components of the study – i.e. institutional resources, individual resources, and individual agency – were defined by sets of items from the questionnaire of EWCS. The newly constructed variables and groups of the (female and male) respondents were used to test the conceptual-operational model in several steps: first, aiming to explore interconnections between the variables, correlation analysis (Pearson’s r) has been accomplished; second, aiming to test effects of th e independent variables (i.e. individual capabilities, individual and institutional resources) onto the dependent one (i.e. wage per hour), Linear regression analysis (different methods were tested) has been accomplished employing the SPSS for Windows 21.0 software. The empirical study findings suggest that, in general, institutional resources affect employees’ individual resources more strongly than individual resources affect individual agency. Also just one component of institutional resources – i.e. relationship with management contributes to employees’ agency and to achievements. Moreover, individual resources contribute to employee’s agency, but do not have any effect on earning as an achievement. Also individual agency negatively affects earnings.Thus, the findings provide empirical arguments for the conceptual model. The findings of the comparison between male and female groups indicate that institutional resources cont - ribute to male employees’ individual resources more strongly than to female employees’, and women experience less empowerment than their male colleagues in the organizations they work. Consequently, the findings of the study may contribute to explanation of GPG as a result of different modes of women and men’s empowerment in organizations. Striving to strengthen and expand results of this study, it would be reasonable to test the conceptual-operational model, and more specifically, to test hypotheses about relationship between organizational empowering factors and earning as an achievement in different populations (e.g. occupational groups). Keywords: human capabilities, gender pay gap, gender, empowerment. [From the publication]

2029-963X; 2424-497X
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