Lietuvos partizaninio karo vietų žvalgymai Žemaitijos nacionaliniame parke

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvos partizaninio karo vietų žvalgymai Žemaitijos nacionaliniame parke
Alternative Title:
Field survey of Lithuanian partisan war sites in Žemaitija National Park
In the Journal:
Archeologiniai tyrinėjimai Lietuvoje. 2020, 2019 metais, p. 449-460
Summary / Abstract:

LT2019 m. rugpjūtį ir rugsėjį LLKĮS žvalgė Lietuvos partizaninio karo vietas Žemaitijos nacionaliniame parke: partizanų bunkerio aplinką Pamedžių (Montvidinės) miške ir Lietuvos laisvės armijos Vanagų karinės stovyklos vietą Plokštinės miške (abi Plungės r., Platelių sen.). Tyrimų metu kartu su VšĮ „Ceklio kuršiai“ ir Žemaitijos nacionaliniu parku surengtos laisvės kovų atminimo stovyklos. Aptikti radiniai perduoti saugoti į KM. Pamedžių (Montvidinės) miško partizanų bunkeris yra Žemaitijos nacionaliniame parke, 830 m į R nuo Dovainių (Dvarviečių, Užpelkių) kapinyno (UK 5476), 450 m į Š nuo melioracijos kanalu paverstos Notės dešiniojo kranto, 200 m į R nuo Lesčio ežero, Pamedžių miško 2102 kvartalo V dalyje (LKS94 X6219678; Y364303). Bunkeris įrengtas eglyne su nedideliu lazdynų pomiškiu, ŠR–PV kryptimi pailgos 2,5–3 m aukščio smėlingos kalvos R dalyje. [...]. [Iš teksto, p. 449]

ENIn 2019, the LLKĮS surveyed Lithuanian partisan war sites in Žemaitija National Park (Plungė District, W Lithuania): the vicinity of the partisan bunker in Pamedžiai (Montvidinė) Forest and the site of the Lithuanian Liberation Army’s Vanagai military camp in Plokštinė Forest. The survey of almost 300 m2 at the site of the Ignacas Žabinskis–Auklėtinis platoon bunker in Pamedžiai (Montvidinė) Forest yielded 159 finds, including mainly Russian spent cartridges and bullets, somewhat fewer Russian hand grenade pieces and wire nails, and small numbers of clothing elements, pieces of gear, and household utensils. The investigation collected valuable data about the battle that occurred at the bunker’s approaches and determined the direction of the attack. It was established that only Russian weapons were used during the battle: at least 29 PPS submachine gun rounds and 30 Mosin carbine or semiautomatic SVT-40 rifle rounds. The MGB soldiers mostly shot at the bunker from short range, attacking from the N, NE, and E. In addition, at least 3 RG-42 hand grenades were thrown from the N and E towards the bunker. The survey of roughly 1.5 ha at the site of Lithuanian Liberation Army’s Vanagai military camp in Plokštinė Forest yielded 503 finds (415 of which were given to a museum). The bulk of the finds consisted of wire nails, Russian and German ammunition (live rounds predominating), but also including Russian and German explosives, French and British cartridges, a German anti-tank shell casing, weapon elements, Wehrmacht military uniform and gear elements, partisan household and hygiene items, and Interwar Lithuanian, USSR, and Third Reich coins. The precise boundaries of the Vanagai military camp as well as location of the headquarters and tents were determined. The camp’s main area was at the E foot of Vanagas Hill.The pits from two dugouts: for food reserve and weapon storage, had survived in Vanagas Hill along with two foxholes and four large training trenches that had been dug at the foot of the hill. Shooting practice did not occur at the camp site. [From the publication]

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