LTTrakai, viena iš gražiausių Lietuvos vietovių, garsūs pilimi saloje, kurią žino kiekvienas. Apsupta ežerų pilis dominuoja Trakų miesto panoramose, suteikia šiai vietai išskirtinį romantišką charakterį. Antroji pilis, įrengta pusiasalyje tarp dviejų ežerų, deja, žinoma tik nedaugeliui. Jei Salos pilis visais metų laikais gausiai lankoma, tai į pusiasalio pilį, kurios bokštų ir gynybinių sienų liekanos vos įžvelgiamos tarp želdinių, užsuka nedaugelis. Nors abi pilys Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės kovų su kryžiuočiais metu veikė kaip vieningas gynybinis kompleksas. Taigi terminas „atgaivinimas“ ypatingai aktualus ne tik pusiasalio piliai, o ir visam vieningam Trakų gynybiniam kompleksui. Straipsnyje apžvelgiama ta pusiasalio pilies istorijos dalis, kuri yra susijusi ne su pilių statyba ar jose viduramžiais vykusiais istoriniais įvykiais, o su tuo laikotarpiu, kai buvo siekiamąją prikelti iš griuvėsių. [Iš straipsnio, p. 29]
ENOne of the most beautiful places in Lithuania, small town of Trakai is famous for its castle on the island. Surrounded by lakes, the castle dominates the panoramas of Trakai giving this place an exceptional romantic character. The second castle, located on a peninsula between two lakes, still is unfortunately known to a few. If the island’s castle is frequently visited all year round, and few people visit the peninsula’s castle remains of towers and defensive walls, which have been barely visible among the greenery, though both castles of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania acted as a unified defensive complex during the battles with the Crusaders. The article reviews the particular part of the history of the peninsula castle that is not related to the construction of castles or the historical events that took place in them in the Middle Ages, but to the period when the aim was to raise it from ruins. As soon as the preparatory work began in the early 1960s, the resurrection of the peninsula was interrupted after the opening ceremonies of the island castle. It was a political decision by the Soviet authorities.The peninsula castle renovation project had been designed by the prominent architect restorer Stanislovas Mikulionis in 1978. Unfortunately, due to lack of funds, this project was not implemented, and the unfinished preserved castle buildings continued to fall. Restorers returned to the peninsula castle on the initiative of the Trakai History Museum in 1996. One of the most important tasks of the architects who studied and designed the castle in the 20,h century was to protect the unique buildings from extinction. Since 1999 the castle of the summer peninsula is open to visitors - since then, medieval festivals have been held here every year. Perhaps the most significant change in the process of reviving the peninsula castle is related to the availability of EU funds for the management of cultural heritage sites. In 2012, the restoration and adaptation of the Dominican monastery and the remains of the church were fully completed, and the newly equipped museum exposition rooms in the basements of the church could be visited. From 2019 the second stage of adaptation of the peninsula castle for tourism needs is successfully implemented. [From the publication]