Emocinio imitavimo metodas muzikos mokykloje: kūrinio interpretacijos aspektas mokinio muzikinės kultūros ugdymo kontekste

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Emocinio imitavimo metodas muzikos mokykloje: kūrinio interpretacijos aspektas mokinio muzikinės kultūros ugdymo kontekste
Alternative Title:
Emotional imitation method at school: the aspect of music work interpretation in the context of the development of the learner’s musical culture
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Leidyba tau, 2022.
264 p
Recenzentų žodis — Įvadas — 1. Neformalusis vaikų švietimas: iššūkiai ir pasiekimai: 1.1. Neformalusis vaikų švietimas Lietuvoje: esmė, pokyčiai ir problemos; 1.2. Neformalusis vaikų švietimas Europos Sąjungoje: trumpa apžvalga; 1.3. Neformalusis vaikų ugdymas Lietuvos muzikos mokyklų kontekste: muzikinės kultūros formavimo problematika — 2. Ugdymo turinio muzikos mokykloje specifika: instrumento dalyko mokymo ypatumai: 2.1. Muzikinio ugdymo tikslų samprata mokslinių tyrimų erdvėje ir švietimo dokumentuose; 2.2. Grojimo muzikos instrumentu įgūdžių formavimas ir mokymo(si) metodai; 2.3. Svarbiausios ugdytinio veiksenos instrumento dalyko pamokoje bei pagrindiniai atliekamo muzikos repertuaro bruožai — 3. Muzikos kūrinio interpretacija kaip ugdymo(si) tikslas ir problema: 3.1. Muzikos kūrinio interpretacijos samprata; 3.2. Muzikos kūrinio interpretacija mokymo ir mokymosi aspektu; 3.3. Muzikos kūrinio interpretavimo mokymas ugdymo poreikių kontekste —4. Emocinio imitavimo metodo samprata ir taikymo strategija: 4.1. Teorinė samprata; 4.2. Emocinio imitavimo metodas ir neformaliojo muzikinio ugdymo programų aspektai filosofinių ugdymo koncepcijų kontekstuose; 4.3. Neformaliojo muzikinio ugdymo pedagogo kompetencijų aspekt as; 4.4. Muzikos kūrinio interpretacinių gebėjimų formavimas panaudojant Emocinio imitavimo metodą — 5. Emocinio imitavimo metodo taikymo muzikos mokykloje tyrimo metodologija ir rezultatami: 5.1. Tyrimo organizavimas, imties atrankos kriterijai, tyrimo duomenų rinkimo metodai; 5.2. Muzikos mokyklų mokytojų interviu apie EIM poveikį instrumento dalyko pamokoje rezultatami; 5.3. Nestruktūruotų mokinių refleksijų raštu analizė ir apibendrinimas; 5.4. Emocinio imitavimo metodo, kaip originalios praktinės pedagoginės alternatyvos mokant interpretacijos instrumento dalyko pamokoje, pagrindimas: vienos alternatyvos eksperimento vertinimo rezultatami; 5.5. Išvados — Literatūra — Priedai — Summary.
Summary / Abstract:

LTDr. Lolitos Jolantos Piličiauskaitės ir dr. Giedrės Gabnytės monografija „Emocinio imitavimo metodas muzikos mokykloje: kūrinio interpretacijos aspektas mokinio muzikinės kultūros ugdymo kontekste“ savitai praplečia edukologijos mokslinių tyrimų lauką, pagrindinį dėmesį kreipiant į neformaliojo ugdymo problemas. Tikslinga pastebėti, jog neformaliojo muzikinio ugdymo klausimai Lietuvoje stokoja mokslininkų dėmesio, todėl ši monografija reikšmingai papildo su neformaliojo muzikinio ugdymo teorija ir praktika susijusias temas. Monografijos teorinės įžvalgos atskleidžia, kad pirmasis muzikinės kultūros sampratos veiksnys (autorės muzikinę kultūrą supranta kaip muzikinės patirties ir muzikinio poreikio sumą) Lietuvos neformaliojo muzikinio ugdymo procese formuojamas intensyviai, tačiau antrojo veiksnio — muzikinio poreikio formavimas vyksta lėtai, nors pats neformalusis ugdymas tampa vis aktualesnis ir įrodo, jog vien formaliojo ugdymo metu įgytų žinių ir gebėjimų nepakanka sąmoningai, visapusiškai asmenybei ugdyti. [Iš Pratarmės]

EN[...] The goal of this monograph can be perceived as an attempt to contribute to optimisation of the currently functioning system ofnon-formal music education through the analysis of application of the Emotional Imitation Method in Lithuanian music schools seeking to employ practical experience of learners and teachers, who apply EIM, emphasising the aspect of interpretation of musical work, which can facilitate the revelation of possibilities for developing this method while teaching and upbringing learners as well as adjusting them to the needs of new generations. The scientific novelty of monograph comprises: The analysis was conducted to evaluate the theoretically substantiated and practically approved Emotional Imitation Model, which is applied by teachers in an individual instrument lesson in a music school to develop learners’ interpretation skills in an individual instrument lesson; The effect of EIM was revealed on harmonisation and ennobling of the educational process and on building musical culture while implementing all the educational goals (cognitive, psychomotor, training, emotional and moral), i.e., nurturing not only musical experience of learners but also their need for music. The influence of EIM applied in a lesson of an individual instrument development of the learner’s self-expression and creativity, interest in other arts and actualisation of the lesson itself was explored; Challenges faced in education and upbringing of generations Z and Alpha and how the Emotional Imitation Method can facilitate the overcoming of these challenges were revealed.Theoretical and practical significance of the monograph. The experiment conducted in 2000 showed that6 that the Emotional Imitation Method may be used as a way of optimising the process of education during music lessons in general education schools. The functionality of the method was confirmed during the teaching practice conducted by students from the Department of Pedagogy of Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre in 2012-2019, when the author of the method applied the EIM; students chose the analysis of the influence of this method on learners in general education schools as the object of their bachelor’s or master’s theses. However, twenty years after the method was created, it became necessary to investigate the current efficiency of EIM in the context of general education (Piličiauskaitė, 2021). The conducted research disclosed only a positive effect on formation of musical, and development of emotional literacy not analysing the aspect of instrumental music interpretation. The results of the aforementioned research also disclosed that EIM is particularly convenient in the process of listening to music and other musical activities (its use in vocal exercises is more complicated). Moreover, its link with other arts is also possible and the influence of EIM on the authority of the teacher as well as on the uniqueness of the music lesson in the context of other subjects are observed8, the opportunity for learners to know themselves and raise the level of their spirituality is also emphasised. However, can this method be applied in non-formal education? Is it appropriate, relevant, and timely in development and education of young performers? [...].The object of the research: the impact of Emotional Imitation Method on the interpretation of music work in the context of building the learner’s musical culture. The goal of the research: to theoretically and empirically substantiate the impact of Emotional Imitation Method on the interpretation of music work in the context of building the learner’s musical culture. The following objectives were formulated to achieve the established goal: 1) to explore peculiarities of non-formal music education in the Lithuanian and European contexts disclosing the problems of building musical culture; 2) to analyse the scholarly and methodological literature, which represents the phenomenon of music interpretation and the realities of teaching and learning music interpretation; 3) to present the concept and structure of EIM in philosophical and methodological aspects; 4) to conduct an interview with instrument teachers from music schools aiming to identify the benefit of EIM to learners and its possible impact on the interpretation of the performed music work; 5) to conduct a one alternative experiment with instrument learners during an instrument lesson applying EIM in the process of interpretation; 6) to analyse non-structured written reflections of instrument learners on the influence of EIM on interpretation of their performed music work and universal values; 7) to provide research results and generalising conclusions related to applying EIM in the pedagogical practice while teaching interpretation. [...]. [From the publication]

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