Seirijų krašto vietovardžiai (tarpukario duomenys)

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Seirijų krašto vietovardžiai (tarpukario duomenys)
Alternative Title:
Toponyms of the Seirijai district: Interwar data
In the Book:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje publikuojami Alytaus apskrities Seirijų valsčiaus tarpukario Lietuvos Žemės vardų anketose (1935-1939 m.) užrašyti vietovardžiai, analizuojamas jų darybos būdas ir galima kilmė. Užpildytose 59 Seirijų valsčiaus gyvenamųjų vietų anketose yra užrašyta per 1000 įvairių objektų vardų. Daugiausia tai pievų vardai, nors nemažai yra laukų, kalnų ir balų pavadinimų. Darybos požiūriu vyrauja antriniai vietovardžiai, didžiausią dalį sudaro priesagų vediniai. Pagal kilmę dauguma vietų vardų yra apeliatyviniai. Esminiai žodžiai: toponimika, tarpukario Lietuvos žemės vardynas, Seirijų valsčius, vietovardžių kilmė, vietovardžių daryba. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe article carries the toponyms recorded in the 1935-1939 interwar questionnaires of Lithuanian land names of the Seirijai county district of the Alytus district. Their formation and origin are discussed. During the interwar period, 59 questionnaires were filled out for settlements in the Seirijai county district, in which the names of over 1,000 various objects were recorded. There are mostly the names of meadows, as well as the names of fields, hills or marshes. Sometimes the names of more interesting objects are mentioned, such as a stone, a gully, a place with many tree stumps, a steep slope, a bridge. In terms of formation, secondary place names predominate (appr. 78 %). Primary toponyms account for less than a quarter of all place names discussed (appr. 20 %). Derivatives of suffixes predominate among secondary place names. The most common of them are -in- and -isk- with different endings. In terms of origin, most place names are derived from common words (appr. 75 %). They are most often associated with nouns used in the Lithuanian language (including Slavic or German borrowings). Place names of foreign origin usually have connections with Slavic (Polish, Belarusian, Russian) words. Significantly fewer names of places associated with real proper names have been recorded (appr. 19 %) and very few come from other place names (appr. 5 %). The origin of some toponyms may be interpreted in several ways or is unclear. Most of the names (to be more precise, lexemes) are met only once and denote only one object in the Seirijai county district. However, some place names are more common; in several settlements more than one different object carries the same name. Keywords: toponymies, index of toponyms of interwar Lithuania, Seirijai county district, origin of toponyms, formation of toponyms. [From the publication]

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