Seirijų valsčiaus gyvenamųjų vietų vardai

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Seirijų valsčiaus gyvenamųjų vietų vardai
Alternative Title:
Names of the settlements of the Seirijai county district
In the Book:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aptariama tarpukario Seirijų valsčiaus gyvenamųjų vietų - miestelio, bažnytkaimių, kaimų, jų dalių, viensėdžių, dvarų, palivarkų - vardų ir jų variantų, užrašytų sudarytose vietovardžių bylose ir Žemės vardų anketose, kilmė ir daryba. Apžvelgti 84-ių gyvenamųjų vietų oficialūs ir neoficialūs ar jau išnykę vardai (su variantais 96 leksiniai vienetai). Nustatyta, kad didžiausią Seirijų valsčiaus oikonimijos dalį sudaro asmenvardinės kilmės vardai. Darybos požiūriu vyrauja priesaginiai ir daugiskaitiniai (pluralia tantum) gyvenamųjų vietų vardai. Esminiai žodžiai: Seirijų valsčius, tarpukario vietovardžiai, gyvenamųjų vietų vardų kilmė, gyvenamųjų vietų vardų daryba. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe Seirijai county district, with the centre of the town of Seirijai, had 83 settlements in Lithuania between the wars (villages, their parts, church towns, single-family farms, estates, and folwarks). The article discusses from the aspect of origin and formation all the names of the settlements of the Seirijai county district and their variants (all in all 96 lexical units) that are still used and are already extinct which were recorded in the interwar place name files and in questionnaires called Žemės vardai (land names). The names of several villages that did not belong to the Seirijai county district but are now assigned to the Seirijai administrative district are also discussed. Oikonyms are divided into four groups by their origin: 1) derived from personal names (names, surnames or nicknames); 2) derived from common words; 3) derived from hydronyms (names of lakes and rivers); 4) come from the names of other settlements. The fifth group of names of settlements is also distinguished, the origin of which is unclear or can be interpreted in several ways. In terms of formation, the names of settlements are divided into primary and secondary. Secondary toponyms are further subdivided into derived, compound, and composite place names.The largest part of the oikonyms of the Seirijai county district consists of names that come from persons’ proper names. There are a few appellate and place-name oikonyms. A small number are names have no clear origin, and most of them can be associated with common words or personal proper names. In terms of word formation, secondary names of settlements predominate, of which the most abundant are place names with suffixes and in the form of pluralia tantum, which together account for about 80 per cent of all the lexemes studied. Of the suffixes used, the suffix -išk- with various endings that has the function of an indicator of a settlement is the most common. Other secondary oikonyms, i. y. derivatives of inflexions, prefixes and composites are not numerous. Primary place names of settlements make up about 8 per cent of all the lexemes researched. Keywords: Seirijai county district, origin of settlement names, formation of settlement names, interwar toponyms. [From the publication]

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