Kapinės Šv. Stepono g. 45 Vilniuje

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Sklaidos publikacijos / Dissemination publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kapinės Šv. Stepono g. 45 Vilniuje
Alternative Title:
Cemetery at Šv. Stepono St. 45, Vilnius
In the Journal:
Archeologiniai tyrinėjimai Lietuvoje. 2021, 2020 metais, p. 230-233
Summary / Abstract:

LT2020 m. lapkritį–gruodį TO atliko detaliuosius archeologinius tyrimus Vilniaus miesto istorinės dalies, vadinamos Naujamiesčiu (UK 33653), teritorijoje, Šv. Stepono g. 45. Sklypas yra greta Šv. Stepono bažnyčios šventoriaus, čia buvusių kapinių. Jame numatoma statyti gyvenamosios paskirties pastatus, didelę sklypo dalį užimtų požeminis garažas. 2019 m. sklype Šv. Stepono g. 45 jau buvo atlikti žvalgomieji tyrimai (G. Jonutis), kurių metu ištirtos 7 5x2 m dydžio žvalgomosios perkasos (bendras 73,5 m² plotas), fiksuotas iki 3,1 m storio XVII(?)– XX a. kultūrinis sluoksnis, aptikta pavienių žmogaus kaulų iš suardytų kapų. Tačiau nesuardytų kapų tuomet neaptikta. [...]. [Iš teksto, p. 230]

ENIn 2020, an excavation was conducted on the plot at Šv. Stepono St. 45 to the S of the defensible Church of St Stephen, built in 1600 in the historic Vilnius suburb of Šv. Steponas. Prior to the construction of this church, this part of Vilnius was a paupers cemetery that existed in the vicinity of church until the 19th century. Nearby was the 16th-century masonry suburban Pienas (Milk) Gate and mid-17thcentury earthwork bastion fortifications. An investigation was also conducted on the plot in 2019, but no human burials were found at that time, just bones from inhumations. In 2020, a larger area was investigated: 4 trenches (448 m2) being excavated. The excavated cultural layer was 2–3 m thick. The earliest horizon, the archaeological layer, dates to the second half of the 17th–18th centuries, but has survived fragmentally on the plot. The 12 burials discovered during the excavation date to the same period and are connected with it, but were dug into an erosional sand layer or even sterile sand. Based on the results of the 2019 and 2020 archaeological investigations conducted on the plot at Šv. Stepono St. 45 and an analysis of the cartographic material it is thought that burials occurred only in the N part of the plot and the S boundary of this burial site was probably one of the alleys branching off of Šv. Stepono Street (the old road leading to the Kingdom of Poland) that are depicted in historical plans. [From the publication]

2023-10-16 09:33:57
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