Carlas Gustavas Jungas apie kultūrinius Vakarų ir Rytų savitumus arba apie demiurgo ir triksterio draugystę

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Carlas Gustavas Jungas apie kultūrinius Vakarų ir Rytų savitumus arba apie demiurgo ir triksterio draugystę
Alternative Title:
Carl Gustav Jung about cultural peculiarities of the west and the east or about the friendship of demiurge and trickster
In the Book:
Rytai-Vakarai: komparatyvistinės studijos. 6 / sudarytojas Antanas Andrijauskas. Vilnius: Kultūros, filosofijos ir meno institutas, 2007. P. 425-437. (Culturology)
Summary / Abstract:

LTPastaraisiais dešimtmečiais humanitariniuose ir socialiniuose moksluose įsivyraujančios komparatyvizmo tendencijos - ne tik glaudžiai susijusios su esminiais dabartinės kultūros, sąmonės pokyčiais, tačiau ir savo pagrindinėmis nuostatomis yra artimos dvasiniams įtakingiausių postmoderniosios civilizacijos teorijos, kultūrologijos ir filosofijos ideologų ieškojimams. Gausėjantys mokslo duomenys apie nepaneigiamus neeuropinių civilizacijų kultūros pasiekimus sumenkino viešpatavusį eurocentrizmą ir padarė jį neperspektyvų. Dabartiniai įvairių kraštų civilizacijos istorikai, kultūrologai, antropologai, sociologai, menotyrininkai ir daugybės kitų sričių specialistai jau be išankstinių ideologinių nuostatų gilinasi į neeuropinių tautų kultūros istoriją, siekia geriau suvokti tikrąjį įvairių vietinių neeuropinių kultūrų įnašą į žmonijos kultūros istoriją. Šiame postkolonijinių komparatyvistinių ir orientalistinių studijų pakilimo kontekste itin aktualu kritiškai panagrinėti kūrybinį palikimą tų mąstytojų, kurie XX amžiaus viduryje polemikoje su eurocentrizmo adeptais klojo pamatus moderniai komparatyvistinei metodologijai ir suteikė svarbius impulsus šiandien įsigalėjusiam postmodernioje humanistikoje kritiniam požiūriui į tendencingą Vakarų civilizacijos raidos kelio ir jos kultūros laimėjimų sureikšminimą. Esminiai žodžiai: C. G.Jungas, Rytai, Vakarai, komparatyvistinė kultūrologija, demiurgas, triksteris. [Iš straipsnio, p. 425]

ENThis article presents a discussion and analysis of one of the most important problems that the Swiss thinker Carl Gustav Jung was interested in, i.e. the dynamics and prospects of cultural relations between the Western and Eastern cultural habitats. The main objective of the study is to discuss Jung's contribution to comparative culturology and psychology studies of the East and the West in different aspects, to reveal original features of cultural approaches of the scientist (characters demiurge and trickster) as well as to depict the assimilation and importance of the concepts of his outspread comparative theory to the presently spreading polilogue of different cultures of the world. The research begins with the most important concept of collective subconsciousness explicated in the methodology point of view by the author of the analytical psychology. This concept became the starting point for Jung while analyzing, evaluating and comparing traditions of different East and West nations culture, religion, philosophy and art as well as spiritual search of an individual, ways to God, unclosing sanctity. Moreover, the article discusses and analyzes the conception of cultural hero as a cultural creator, developed by Jung. The Demiurge and Trickster's part of the article introduces the cultural hero is of both the East and the West, psyche, his Ego, which is a syncretically indistinguishable part of demiurge-the fighter who tries to deliberately destroy the usual order. The double of demiurge is a trickster who is an individual awarded demonic features in the dualistic myths (euphemistic name - joker). Jung gives trickster a name of □Shadow, which embodies the spree of the depths of subconsciousness as well as surprises.The diseases of the West civilization described by Jung are analyzed in the Diagnoses of the East and the West cultures part of the article. Part Inner Self and Individualization in the East and in the West reveals the fact that Jung finds it very topical to speak about different cultural traditions, based not on search of confrontations but on search of generalities and universality. In State of the West Culture, which is the last part of the article, the psychology of Nazism is analyzed. Referring to topicality in Germany, the writer states the revenge act of subconsciousness (Votan-Trickster) is imminent to the West. The late step of an individual towards unification of opposites (trickster-demiurge) presupposes a dangerous disintegrated subsistence not only of a subject itself but of a world-object as well because the world is the projection of a subject how knows and creates. It is pointed out in the conclusions of the study that by discussing in different aspects the differences between the West and the East culture, psychology, attitude towards life and idea as well as many other problems topical for comparitivity, Jung reveals not only substantially distinct points of view but he also depicts unquestionable similarities. The collective subconsciousness and its components, which is the most important human cultural and psychological link, became the nucleus of Jung's contemplations. The possibilities of friendship between trickster (subconsciousness) and demiurge (consciousness) is the main theme of Jung's philosophy.At the end of the article it is summarized that the East experiences applicable to the West extend the field of theoretic contemplations and reflections, however they do not become a psychical reality. Substrata of the mind, i.e. primal images of the collective subconsciousness remain permanent grants of the world cultures but the West is living their own separate life and die their specific death. Unfortunately, Demiurge and Trickster will never become friends. Key words: C. G. Jung, collective subconsciousness, the East, the West, comparative culturology, demiurge, trickster, archetype. [From the publication]

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