LT2020 m. įgyvendinant LLdj projektą Šventininkų kaime (Kaišiadorių r., Kruonio sen.), dešiniajame Lapainios upelio krante esančioje senovės gyvenvietėje atlikti žvalgomieji ir detalieji tyrimai. Senovės gyvenvietė šioje vietoje lokalizuota 2014 m., atliekant žvalgomuosius tyrimus projektuojamoje dujotiekio trasoje (M. Bertašius) (ATL 2014 metais, 2015, p. 509–513). Nuo registruotos Šventininkų senovės gyvenvietės (UK 37335) ji nutolusi 240 m į P. 2015 m. šioje vietoje atlikti papildomi žvalgomieji tyrimai, kurių metu iškastuose šurfuose buvo užfiksuotas kultūrinis sluoksnis su radiniais, datuojamais paleolito–bronzos amžiaus laikotarpiais (D. Kontrimas) (ATL 2015 metais, 2016, p. 42–44). 2020 m., prieš pradedant dujotiekio statybos darbus, ištirtas 1080 m2 plotas: žvalgomųjų tyrimų plotas – 6 m2 (6 šurfai), detaliųjų tyrimų – 1074 m2. [...]. [Iš teksto, p. 56]
ENIn implementing the GIPL project in 2020, the digging of the utility trench was monitored and an excavation (1081 m2) was conducted at an old settlement site 240 m to the S of registered Šventininkai old Settlement (Kaišiadorys district). The site of the archaeological investigation lies along a slope slanting to the SW and running towards the Stream Lapainia as well as on the shore of a former part, now peaty, of Lake Kalviai. Lake Kalviai’s near-shore zone, now peaty, was recorded together with deposited peaty layers in the SW part of the excavation area and a cultural layer with abundant archaeological finds datable on the basis of the finds to the Late Palaeolithic – Bronze Age was recorded under the plough layer in the remaining part of the excavated area. The trenches contained 22 sunken structures. 11 of them discovered with Mesolithic – Neolithic flint finds, and in some of them, sherds of vessels dating to the early Neolithic. Most of the discoveries (20981 items) in the excavated area were flint artefacts and production waste. Several of the most abundant flint industry techno-complexes that were distinguished are characteristic of the Late Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Late Neolithic, and early Metal ages. 1885 potsherds, which belong to early Neolithic, early Metal, and Historical period vessels, were also collected. two concentrations of potsherds dating to the early Neolithic, in which at least 2 pointed base, undecorated vessels with organic filler were identified, stand out. Stone artefacts, pieces of amber, and clay daub were also discovered during the investigation. [From the publication]