Tėvų, auginančių ikimokyklinio amžiaus specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių vaikus, pedagoginis švietimas siekiant partnerystės su mokytojais

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Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Tėvų, auginančių ikimokyklinio amžiaus specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių vaikus, pedagoginis švietimas siekiant partnerystės su mokytojais
Alternative Title:
Educational for parents with preschool children with special educational needs aiming at working in partnership with educators
In the Journal:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje teoriškai ir praktiškai pagrindžiamas tėvų, auginančių ikimokyklinio amžiaus specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių vaikus, pedagoginis švietimas bei jo aktualumas, siekiant partnerystės su mokytojais. Tėvų ir mokytojų bendradarbiavimas, grįstas abipuse partneryste yra reikalingas ir reikšmingas vaikui su specialiaisiais ugdymosi poreikiais, kuris aprėpia suinteresuotus ugdymo dalyvius, galinčius nulemti ugdymo proceso sėkmingumą. Partnerystė – ugdymo dalyviai (tėvai, mokytojai, švietimo pagalbos specialistai ir kt.) yra atviri vieni kitiems, geranoriškai derina savo požiūrius į vaiko ugdymą, tariasi dėl ugdymo tikslų, turinio, vaiko poreikių tenkinimo būdų. Geras bendravimas ir tarpusavio ryšys yra esminis tikros partnerystės bruožas.Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidžia, jog tėvų, auginančių ikimokyklinio amžiaus specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių vaiką, požiūriu, poreikis pedagoginiam švietimui siekiant partnerystės yra aktualus, tačiau labai dažnai jis suprantamas kaip tradicinis jų informavimas apie vaiko ugdymą, o ne bendrų veiklų organizavimas, grįstas dialogiškumu ir refleksija. Labai dažnai vyrauja tradicinės tėvų informavimo formos: bendri susirinkimai, individualūs pokalbiai su grupės pedagogu, informacija pateikiama stenduose.Visiems tėvams priimtiniausios pedagoginio švietimo formos yra individualūs pokalbiai su švietimo pagalbos specialistais ir jų konsultacijos.Tyrimas atskleidė, jog ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigoje vyksta nuolatinė tėvų komunikacija su pedagogais, tačiau jiems dar labai trūksta nuoseklesnės informacijos apie vaiko pasiekimus, vaiko savijautą, reikalingi praktiniai patarimai. Dažiausiai taikomos pedagoginio švietimo formos – individualūs pokalbiai, konsultacijos, kurios padeda suprasti vaiko raidos, ugdymo sunkumus. Poreikis bendradarbiauti, kuris būtų paremtas partneryste yra didžiulis, tačiau tėvai pageidautų iš pedagogų daugiau iniciatyvos.Tik intensyvus bendradarbiavimas ir partnerystė su tėvais gali užtikrinti kokybišką specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių vaikų ugdymą. Pagrindiniai žodžiai: specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių vaikai, šeima, pedagoginis tėvų švietimas, partnerystė. [Iš leidinio]

ENRecently, more and more general education institutions are attended by children with special educational needs. This obliges both the educational institution and the parents to become two institutions that constantly interact and complement each other, allowing the successful implementation of educational goals. Today, educational institutions should move more from the relationship of mutual openness and exchange of information to a dialogue-based partnership with parents, and parents should also seek to combine their views on the child's education with educators benevolently, to discuss ways and means of meeting their needs. Partnership - educational participants (parents, educators) are open to each other, benevolently coordinate their approaches to the education of a child with special educational needs, consult on educational goals, ways to meet his needs. A number of problematic aspects emerge by delving into the topicalities of pedagogical education of parents raising children with special educational needs to achieve dialogue-based cooperation. There is a tendency that educators working with children with special educational needs do not always focus on their parents as partners, do not apply significant forms of cooperation to this group, at the same time reduce parental participation in the educational process, opportunities for cooperation and its effectiveness. Traditional forms of informing parents prevail: joint meetings, individual conversations with the group educator, and information is provided on the notice board. Educators working with children with special educational needs do not always focus on their parents as partners, sometimes offering only insignificant areas of collaboration, thus narrowing parental involvement, collaboration opportunities, and its effectiveness. Parents and educators usually communicate during conversations when they bring or pick up children.The problem of the research: How is going the pedagogical education of parents raising preschool children with special educational needs in partnership with educators? The object of the research is pedagogical education of parents in order to achieve a partnership with educators. The aim of the research is to analyse the pedagogical education of parents raising preschool children with special educational needs in order to achieve a partnership with educators. Research tasks: 1. To reveal the pedagogical education of parents raising preschool children with special educational needs by means of theoretical analysis in order to achieve a partnership with educators. 2. To investigate the attitude of parents of children with special educational needs of preschool age to pedagogical education by means of an interview analysis. Research methods: 1) analysis of scientific literature, 2) oral survey using a semi-structured interview. Data were processed using qualitative content analysis.From the point of view of parents who raise children with special educational needs, the need for pedagogical education for partnership is relevant, but it is often understood as their traditional information about the child's education, rather than the organization of joint activities based on dialogue and reflection. The most acceptable forms of pedagogical education for all parents are individual conversations with educational support specialists and their consultations. It can be stated that there is constant communication of parents with educators, but they are still lacking in more consistent information about the child's achievements, the child's well-being, practical advices. The most commonly used forms of pedagogical education are individual conversations, consultations, and positive parenting groups, which help to understand, recognize and correct a child's misbehaviour. The need for cooperation based on partnership is vast, but parents would like more initiative from educators. Only intensive cooperation and partnership with educators can ensure the quality education of a childs with special educational needs. Keywords: children with special educational needs, family, pedagogical education of parents, partnership. [From the publication]

2538-7928; 2538-7960
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