Vaiko teises siekiančio užtikrinti atvejo vadybininko atsakomybė ir kylantys iššūkiai: patirčių analizė

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Vaiko teises siekiančio užtikrinti atvejo vadybininko atsakomybė ir kylantys iššūkiai: patirčių analizė
Alternative Title:
Responsibility and challenges of a case manager in ensuring the child's rights: analysis of experiences
In the Journal:
Social inquiry into well-being [Socialinės gerovės tyrimai]. 2023, 21, 1, p. 41-61
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠio straipsnio tikslas – atskleisti atvejo vadybininko atsakomybę ir jam kylančius iššūkius užtikrinant vaiko teises. Tyrimas remiasi atvejo vadybininkų patirtimi. Probleminiai klausimai: Kokia yra atvejo vadybininko atsakomybė siekiant užtikrinti vaiko teises? Kokie iššūkiai kyla atvejo vadybininkui bendradarbiaujant su socialiniu darbuotoju? Straipsnyje pateikiami kokybinio tyrimo rezultatai, atskleidžiantys atvejo vadybininko atsakomybę ir iššūkius, kylančius siekiant užtikrinti vaiko teises. Tyrimu atskleista, kad atvejo vadybininkas veikia trimis kryptimis: dirba individualiai su gautu atveju, bendradarbiauja su socialiniu darbuotoju ir kitais specialistais, organizuoja paslaugas šeimai. Kokybinio tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad kai atvejo vadybininkas imasi naujo atvejo ir veikia vienas, individualus darbas yra pirmoji atsakomybė, kurią jis prisiima. Bendradarbiaujant su socialiniu darbuotoju ir kitais specialistais atsiskleidžia atvejo vadybininko kaip koordinatoriaus veikla, kurioje ypač svarbus kontaktas su klientu ir nuoseklus, struktūruotas darbas, kuris reglamentuojamas teisės aktų. Organizuojant socialines paslaugas šeimai esminis akcentas išlieka atvejo vadybininko atsakomybė už teikiamų paslaugų vientisumą. Tyrimas parodė, kad atvejo vadybininkas, teikdamas paslaugas šeimai, susiduria su trimis esminiais sunkumais, susijusiais su: 1) socialinę riziką patiriančiomis šeimomis; 2) atvejo vadybos organizavimu ir koordinavimu; 3) jo pačio psichologine savijauta. Klientų motyvacijos stoka, problemos nepripažinimas, siūlomos pagalbos nepriėmimas sukelia sunkumų, susijusių su socialinę riziką patiriančiais asmenimis. Šiuos sunkumus atvejo vadybininkui įveikti sudėtinga, nes jie susiję su klientu ir jo motyvacija.Esminiai atvejo vadybos proceso organizavimo ir koordinavimo elementai yra nevienodas įsitraukimas, atsainus požiūris, nesidalijimas informacija, neadekvatūs lūkesčiai ir paslaugų trūkumas. Atvejo vadybininkas jaučia veiklos neapibrėžtumą, įtampą dėl nepalankios atmosferos darbe ir per didelės jam tenkančios atsakomybės. Palaikymo iš komandos narių stoka sukelia sunkumų, kurie susiję su paties atvejo vadybininko psichologine savijauta. Reikšminiai žodžiai: atvejo vadybininkas, bendradarbiavimas, socialinis darbuotojas, vaiko teisių apsauga. [Iš leidinio]

ENThis article analyses the case manager’s responsibility and challenges in ensuring the child’s rights, based on case managers’ experience. In Lithuania, the children’s rights protection system underwent a period of strong changes. Fundamental changes implemented in child rights protection field were related to recorded cases of violence. According to Department of Statistics data, following the implementation of the law amending the Basic Law on the Protection of Children’s Rights No. I-1234, which entered into force on 1 July 2018, in 2019 the number of recorded cases of violence against children increased by 674 compared to 2018 data (in 2018, 4,448 cases of violence were recorded; in 2019, 5,122). In 2020, the number of cases of violence against children decreased as 2,511 cases were recorded; and in 2021, number of cases remained similar at 2,611. Significant changes in indicators of violence against children can be associated with the application of the case management method in our country, when case management functions were entrusted to a case manager. The application of the case management method in the child welfare field in our country has become particularly relevant and led to significant changes. The complex provision of services for the child and family, the assessment of individual family needs, and close cooperation with specialists became the goals of the case management process. Research object: the case manager’s responsibility and challenges in ensuring a child’s rights. The research aim is to reveal the case manager’s responsibility and challenges in ensuring a child’s rights, based on case managers’ experience. The main research questions are: What is the case manager’s responsibility in ensuring a child’s rights? What challenges does the case manager face when collaborating with other specialists?.Research methods included: analysis of scientific literature and legal acts, the generalization method, qualitative research, and the semi-structured interview method used to collect research data. The research participant sample was formed by purposive sampling using the criterion sampling method, where research elements are selected according to established criteria. Research participants were selected according to the following criteria: 1) case managers who work in X institutions and provide case management services, together with social workers organise support process for social risk families; 2) research participants’ experience in the case management field is at least 2 years; 3) research participants work together with social workers. In 2022, a pilot study was conducted and involved one participant. Research was conducted in November–December 2022. In total, 6 case managers who met all required criteria participated in the research. Research data were processed using qualitative content analysis. Research data were analysed by distinguishing categories and subcategories and assigning supporting statements, and while interpreting and analysing research findings they were associated with the scientific insights of other authors. Research ethics were ensured as, when organising qualitative research, much attention was paid to research participants’ voluntary participation. All participants participated in the research voluntarily. Each research participant was free to refuse to participate in an interview or withdraw from the research at any time. Participants were informed about the research aims, compliance with ethical research principles, confidentiality, and anonymity. When organising qualitative research interviews, efforts were made to create a safe, calm environment where the subject could communicate openly and honestly.Anonymity is preserved by coding each research participant’s responses. Case managers’ responses are coded with the letters AV. During the research, the principle of tolerance was also observed. Each participant was respected in relation to their expressed opinion and position on certain issues, their experiences and emotional struggles were accepted, and prejudices or biases were avoided. Empirical research showed that the case manager’s main responsibility is: individual casework, cooperation with the social worker and other specialists, and the organisation of social services for the family. In individual work with the case, the case manager’s first responsibility, when acting alone, is to familiarize themselves with the case, analyse it, and identify problems based on documents. The case manager’s second responsibility is cooperation with the social worker and other specialists. This responsibility is perceived as establishing contact with the client, and the case manager’s further actions are regulated by legal acts as the evaluation of support for the child and/or the family is implemented, a support plan is drawn up and implemented, and case management meetings are organised. Essential emphasis when implementing this responsibility is placed on the case manager’s monitoring of the family during the entire support process and efforts to involve the client’s close environment in the process of support. The case manager’s coordinating function is inevitable, because they become responsible for coordinating the activities of specialists, institutions and social workers involved in the support process, as well as for interacting with the social worker. [...] Keywords: case manager, collaboration, ensuring the child’s rights, social worker. [From the publication]

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