Pedagogų ir tėvų bendradarbiavimas teikiant priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikui, turinčiam elgesio ir

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Pedagogų ir tėvų bendradarbiavimas teikiant priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikui, turinčiam elgesio ir/ar emocijų sutrikimų, pagalbą ugdymo procese
Alternative Title:
Collaboration of educators and parents rendering assistance to prie-primary child having behavioral and/or emotional disorders
In the Journal:
Summary / Abstract:

LTBendradarbiavimas su tėvais – vienas iš pačių svarbiausių ir kartais vienas iš pačių sunkiausių pedagoginio darbo aspektų. Sunkumų, kuriant šiltą, konstruktyvų bendradarbiavimo klimatą ugdymo įstaigoje, patiria beveik visi pedagogai. Pedagogų ir tėvų bendradarbiavimas dar daugiau reikalingas, jeigu vaikas turi specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių. Didelių iššūkių ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigoje kelia vaikai, turintys elgesio ir /ar emocijų sutrikimų, ir jų ugdymas. Straipsnyje pagrįsta pedagogų ir tėvų bendradarbiavimo svarba, teikiant priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikui, turinčiam elgesio ir/ar emocijų sutrikimų, pagalbą ugdymo procese. Pristatomi empirinio tyrimo, kuriame dalyvavo ikimokyklinio ir priešmokyklinio ugdymo pedagogai, rezultatai apie bendradarbiavimo svarbą, teikiant priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikui, turinčiam elgesio ir/ar emocijų sutrikimų, tiesioginę pagalbą ugdymo procese. Tyrimo rezultatai patvirtino, kad pedagogų ir tėvų bendradarbiavimas, ugdant vaikus, turinčius elgesio ir/ar emocijų sutrikimų, yra ypatingai svarbus ir reikalingas. Bendras problemų sprendimas, organizuojant ir įgyvendinant vientisą ugdymo procesą, padeda siekti kokybiškų ugdymo rezultatų. Reikšminiai žodžiai: bendradarbiavimas, elgesio ir/ar emocijų sutrikimai, specialieji ugdymosi poreikiai, specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turintis asmuo, specialusis ugdymas. [Iš leidinio]

ENTopic relevance. Children having special educational needs pose difficulties in pre-primary institutions. Consequently, the process of education, educators‘ and parents‘ collaboration is essential and requisite. The core of the problem. Educational institution must seek for successful training ways while contacting with children having special educational needs. Family also must help the teacher. The bigger is parents‘ impact into child‘s education the better they can affect his development and educational march. The paper covers successful educators‘ and parents‘ collaboration ways and methods. The objective of the research – collaboration of parents and educators rendering assistance to pre-primary age child having behavioral and/or emotional disorders in educational process. The aim of the research – to reveal the collaboration of educators and parents rendrering assistance for pre-primary age child having behavioral and/or emotional disorders in educational process. Research tasks: 1. To justify theoretically the importance of collaboration between educators and parents while rendering assistance to pre-primary age child having behavioral and/or emotional disorders in educational process. 2. To perform educators‘ opinion investigation on parents‘ and educators‘ collaboration importance.3. To schedule and implement educational project based on investigation results. Research methods. Theoretical: scientific and methodological literature analysis. Empirical: verbal interview (half structural interview) and qualitative analysis of the investigation results. The investigation is ondemand. It involved 5 educators from Kaunas district X pre-school and pre-primary institution. The investigation revealed that collaboration rendering assistance for educators and parents growing pre-primary age child having behavioral and/or emotional disorders is substantial and needful. Common problem solving, generic objective achievement, scheduling and implementing incomposite child education process enables to reach qualitative educational results. Considering investigation results educational project ‘With open heart‘ was implemented. It aimed to involve parents growing pre-premary age child having behavioral and/or emotional disorder into educational process and endeavour parents‘ collaboration with educators and participation in institutional life. Key words: collaboration, behavioral and/or emotional disorder, special educational needs, person with special educational needs. [From the publication]

2538-7928; 2538-7960
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