Lietuva - jūrinė valstybė: jos įvaizdžio kontūrai žiniasklaidoje

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuva - jūrinė valstybė: jos įvaizdžio kontūrai žiniasklaidoje
Alternative Title:
Ltihuania - a maritime state: its image in the media
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Summary / Abstract:

LTGeografiniai, politiniai, ekonominiai, kultūriniai ir kiti aspektai liudija, kad Lietuva – jūrinė valstybė, tad ir marinistiniai elementai, konstruojant valstybės įvaizdį, labai ryškūs. Juos išryškinti ir populiarinti nėra oficialiai įpareigotos jokios institucijos. Jų raiška, formuojant valstybės įvaizdį, priklauso tik nuo pačių institucijų iniciatyvos ir požiūrio. Nepaisant to, kad oficialaus įgaliojimo kryptingai formuoti jūrinio šalies įvaizdžio niekas neturi, įvairių institucijų raiška šiuo aspektu ryškiai pastebima. Ypatingai jų poveikis valstybės įvaizdžiui išryškėja sąveikaujant su žiniasklaida. Šiame straipsnyje analizuojama su jūrine veikla susijusių institucijų veiksena formuojant šalies įvaizdį ir marinistinės žiniasklaidos įtaka šiam procesui. Pagrindiniai žodžiai: įvaizdis, žiniasklaida, jūrinės institucijos. [Iš leidinio]

ENThis article investigates the image building capabilities of Lithuania as a maritime state in the media of Klaipėda. The work firstly presents an overview of the academic literature on image building. Based on the theoretical material, the most efficient image building tools of a maritime state are highlighted: the media and maritime authorities. The analysis of their activities in the study is carried out in two areas. First, the institutional level and its expression in building a maritime state is analysed. The other research area includes the media and its expression in building the image of a maritime state. The paper examines not only the expression of the institutional and the media level, but also their interaction in the image building process of Lithuania as a maritime state. The study was carried out using the literature overview, the quantitative and qualitative research methods, as well as the content and the comparative analyses. The work problem was dictated by the existing image building situation of Lithuania. The state of Lithuania, celebrating its 25th anniversary of independence, encounters shortfalls of experience in various areas. This determines the not-so-seamless country's image building process. Targeted country's image building in global society is a mandatory element of identity preservation. One of the most prominent features of the Lithuanian identity is the sea. This geographical, historical, political and economic context is an important argument to build the image of Lithuania with an emphasis on the sea. The study analyses how it is implemented, as well as the image building capabilities of Lithuania as a maritime country in the media of Klaipėda are identified as the object of the work.The analysis of the characteristics of image building allowed to conclude that there is no clear and focused strategy which could be used as a basis for the building of the image of Lithuania as a maritime state. This process is either spontaneous or depends on marine authorities. First of all, they are focused on building their own image. The media is involved in this process as one of the most suggestive image forming means. Which maritime authorities would receive most attention in the media depends on their efforts in ensuring the flow of information about themselves. Keywords: public image, media, maritime authorities. [From the publication]

2538-7928; 2538-7960
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