Kitakalbių šeimų ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų adaptacijos procesas ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigoje

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Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kitakalbių šeimų ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų adaptacijos procesas ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigoje
Alternative Title:
Adaptation process of pre-school children from other-language families in prie-school education
In the Journal:
Summary / Abstract:

LTKiekvienas vaikas, taip pat augantis kitakalbių šeimoje, pradėjęs lankyti ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigą, išgyvena adaptacijos periodą. Vaikas atsiduria naujoje ir nepažįstamoje aplinkoje: kita fizinė aplinka, suaugę žmonės, kitoks jų elgesys, kalba, tradicijos. Vaikas prie jos turi prisitaikyti, adaptuotis. Straipsnyje analizuojamas vaikų, augančių kitakalbių šeimoje, tėvų požiūris į adaptacijos procesą valstybinėje ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigoje. Tyrimo dalyviams (kitakalbių šeimoms) buvo pateikti klausimai apie tėvų motyvaciją leisti vaiką lankyti valstybinę ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigą, vaiko jausmų bei elgesio kaitą, pedagogų veiklą bei tėvų pagalbą adaptacijos periodu. Atsakymų analizė atskleidė, jog kitakalbių šeimų pagrindiniai motyvai leisti vaiką į valstybinę ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigą siejami su kalbos išmokimu bei jo tolimesniu ugdymu kitose valstybinėse švietimo įstaigose. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidžia labiau pozityvius vaikų emocijų bei elgesio pokyčius, t.y. jie jautėsi pakankamai saugiai, buvo atviri, komunikabilūs, kartu konstatuojama, kad tam tikras dalis vaikų jautė nerimą, verkė, liūdėjo, buvo labiau prislėgti, susirūpinę, tapo irzlesni, todėl dauguma tėvų pripažįsta ne tik pedagogo veiklą, bet ir savo pagalbą, įsitaukimą į ugdymo procesą adaptacijos periodu, jo auklėtojai pasakojant apie vaiko pomėgius, charakterio ypatumus, sveikatą. Reikšminiai žodžiai: kitakalbių šeima, adaptacija, dvikalbystė. [Iš leidinio]

ENRecently, most of the children from other-language families attend pre-school education institutions, where state language is spoken, and their cognitive and social skills are developed. When a child starts attending a pre-school education institution, his/her close relationship with the home world and with very close people who provide with all-round safety, ceases. Having brought a child to a pre-school institution the living conditions change immediately, and the way of upbringing changes as well. Not an exception is children who grow up in other-language family, their need is to be with everyone and as everybody, they want to be taught, heard, understood, spoken, encouraged, and involved in educational activities. Research problem. The competence of teachers and the involvement of parents in the process of education during a particularly important adaptation period is the most effective assistance to a child attending a pre-school educational institution. Strickland, Keat, Marinak, (2010) emphasize that teachers’ cultural responsiveness helps create an environment that promotes social equity and justice, rather than a stereotyped culture. Both bilingualism, multilingualism, and the needs of children's education are relevant, but in the studies conducted so far, the realities, possibilities, problems, and philosophical directions of pre-school and pre-primary school bilingual children's language education are analysed.There is a lack of research that analyses the processes of adaptation of children from other-language families in pre-school education institutions. The research problem is elaborated on the following questions: What is the motivation of other-language families to allow a child to attend a state pre-school educational institution? How does a foreign child feel starting to attend pre-school? What are the most commonly observed changes in child behaviour during the adaptation period? What should be the focus of pedagogical activity and parent support in order to successfully adapt to other-language children? Aim of the research: to reveal the peculiarities of the adaptation of children of pre-school children of other parents in pre-school education institutions. Sample of the research. The study involved 102 other-language speakers whose children attend Lithuanian pre-school education institutions.According to the results of the written research, it was determined that the main motive of the other-language families is to send the child into a state pre-school educational institution, is connected with language learning and its further education in other public educational institutions. We can conclude that most of the other-language speakers have adapted to the pre-school setting quite successfully. The results of the research reveal more positive changes in children's emotions and behaviour: only a minority of pupils did not want to participate in-group activities; they avoided communicating with peers; others, on the contrary, learned new communication and social skills, found new friends, and improved their native (Lithuanian) language skills. An analysis of the results of the research showed that some children felt more anxious, weighed, saddened, more depressed, worried, became more or less zealous, but at the same time they felt safe enough, were open, communicative. Most parents recognize not only the activities of the teacher, but also their own help, their integration into the educational process during the adaptation period, when the teacher talking about the child's hobbies, the characteristics of the character, and health. Key words: other-language family, adaptation, bilingualism. [From the publication]

2538-7928; 2538-7960
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