Išsivadavimas: užsienio politikos epizodai, 1988-1991 : atsiminimai

Sklaidos publikacijos / Dissemination publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Išsivadavimas: užsienio politikos epizodai, 1988-1991 : atsiminimai
Alternative Title:
Liberation episodes in foreign policy, 1988-1991
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Apostrofa, 2006.
230 p
Asmenvardžių rodyklė.
Prieš penkiolika metų — Atgimimas: Dėmesys Lietuvai; Nuomonės Vakaruose; Sovietinė propaganda; Sąlytis su pogrindžiu — Išvykos ir susitikimai: Atgimimo laikotarpiu; Po Kovo 11-osios — Kaimynai: Į Europą per Skandinaviją; Lenkijos kaimynystė; Baltarusijos kaimynystė; Baltijiečių solidarumas — Rengimasis deryboms: Blokada; Pokalbis su JAV Valstybės sekretoriumi; Pasirengimo deryboms komisija; Bandymai derėtis — „Emigracijoje": Konferencija Helsinkyje; „Dabar negalima grįžti“; Padeda švedai; Svarstymai JAV Kongrese; Priima JAV Valstybės sekretorius; Kanados pozicija; Stokholme; ESBO konferencijoje; Priėmimas Danijoje; Vėl Stokholme — Šiaurės tarybos sesijoje — Vokietijos Bundestage — Italijoje — Ryšiai plečiasi — Atomazga. Pripažinimas — Europos diena — Priedas. Lietuvos valstybės tarptautinis pripažinimas — Summary — Asmenvardžių rodyklė.
Summary / Abstract:

LTBronislovas Kuzmickas - Lietuvos Nepriklauso¬mos Valstybės atstatymo Akto signataras, buvęs Lietuvos Respublikos Aukščiausiosios Tarybos - Atkuriamojo Seimo narys ir Pirmininko pavaduotojas, dabar - Mykolo Romerio universiteto filosofijos profesorius. Atsiminimų knygoje autorius aprašo savo politinės ir diplomatinės veiklos epizodus 1988-1991 metais atkuriant Lietuvos užsienio politiką ir siekiant valstybės tarptautinio diplomatinio pripažinimo. Išsamiai ir „iš pirmųjų lūpų“ apibūdinamas Atgimimo laikotarpis, 1988 m. birželio mėn. įsisteigęs Lietuvos Persitvarkymo Sąjūdis, atskleidžiama sudėtinga Lietuvos tarptautinė situacija, kai 1990 m. kovo 11d. buvo paskelbtas nepriklausomybės atstatymas, 1991 m. vyko lemtingieji Sausio įvykiai, vėliau bendromis Lietuvos politikų ir intelektualų bei jų pagalbininkų visame pasaulyje pastangomis buvo pasiektas nepriklausomos Lietuvos valstybės tarptautinis pripažinimas. [Anotacija knygoje]

ENThe author of this book is a signatory to the Act of the Restoration of the Independent Lithuanian State, a former member and deputy speaker of the Supreme Council (Soviet)/Constitutional Assembly of the Republic of Lithuania, and currently a professor of philosophy at Mykolas Romeris University in Vilnius. The author describes episodes from his political and diplomatic activities during 1988-1991 when Lithuanian foreign policy was resumed and international diplomatic recognition of the state was sought. The first part of this book discusses the period of rebirth and the democratic Lithuanian movement Sąjūdis, which the author helped establish in June 1988 and in which he participated. By taking advantage of Gorbachev’s perestroika policy, attempts were made to restore an independent Lithuanian state by peaceful means and to break free from the Soviet occupation of fifty years. However, Lithuania could become an independent state in the true sense of the word only by gaining international diplomatic recognition, in pursuit of which great efforts were, therefore, made. The author describes how, during the period of rebirth and after the Declaration of Independence on 11 March 1990, he took part in various conferences and forums held in Washington, Ottawa, Luxembourg, Vienna, Tubingen, The Hague, and elsewhere, how he met with foreign journalists political scientists, politicians, and intellectuals, and how he told' them about Lithuania’s situation as an occupied country, aspirations for re-establishing an independent state, and the prospects for diplomatic recognition of this state.This book also reviews the complicated international situation during that period. It shows that the Soviet government stubbornly resisted the restoration of Baltic independence and that, for this reason, it spread propaganda, on an international scale, hostile to the Baltic pursuit of freedom. Placing their confidence in Gorbachev’s policy, the governments of the major Western states maintained a moderate wait-and-see policy and urged the Lithuanian government to seek compromise with the Soviet Union. The reader will find memories of unsuccessful attempts by the Lithuanian leadership to start negotiations with the leadership of the Soviet Union. During the tragic days of January 1991, Bronislovas Kuzmickas was authorized by the Supreme Council of Lithuania to travel to the West and, if necessary, to continue the work of the legitimate Lithuanian government in exile, to participate in establishing a Lithuanian government in exile. In meetings with the leaders of the governments and parliaments of Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Canada, and the United States, the author explained the political situation in Lithuania, discussed the possibilities for diplomatic recognition, and participated in hearings of the US Congress about Soviet aggression in the Baltic States. Later, he headed official delegations of Lithuanian parliamentarians during the 39th Session of the Nordic Council and to Germany and Italy. This book sheds light on the development of Lithuanian relations with Sweden, Poland, and Belarus and on the significance of cooperation among the Baltic States in restoring their independence. [From the publication]

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