Mokymasis už mokyklos ribų: nauja mokymosi vietos samprata

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Mokymasis už mokyklos ribų: nauja mokymosi vietos samprata
Alternative Title:
Learning outside the classroom: a new concept of education place
Publication Data:
Kaunas : Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, 2022.
139 p
Bibliografija prie skyrių.
Įvadas. Naujas mokymosi vietos konceptualizavimas: mokymosi už tradicinės klasės ribų galimybės / Natalija Mažeikienė — Daugialypis mokslo muziejų tapatumas: mokslo komunikacijos, interaktyvaus mokymosi ir pramogų vieta / Eglė Gerulaitienė ir Natalija Mažeikienė — Rizominis mokymasis už klasės ribų: tarp sėslumo ir nomadiškumo, tarp vietos ir deteritorizavimo / Atominio turizmo maršrutas kaip edukacinė aplinka / Natalija Mažeikienė, Odeta Norkutė, Eglė Gerulaitienė, Genovaitė Kynė — Summary.
Summary / Abstract:

LTMonografijoje autorės analizuoja naują mokymosi vietos sampratą aptardamos sąvokas – mokymosi už klasės / mokyklos ribų (angl. outdoor education; learning/ teaching beyond classroom; out-of-classroom; outside the classroom). Ši nauja ugdymo praktikos tendencija apima edukacinių veiklų organizavimą viešosiose erdvėse – muziejuose, bibliotekose, galerijose, paveldo objektuose, socialinėse ir kultūrinėse grupėse, miesto erdvėse, gamtinėje aplinkoje, virtualiose erdvėse, skaitmeninėse bendruomenėse ir kt. Taip siekiama sustiprinti jungtį tarp formaliojo, neformaliojo ir savaiminio mokymosi. Autorės pateikia kelių atvejų studijas. Nacionalinio Škotijos muziejaus mokslo ekspozicijos atvejis atskleidžia šiuolaikinių mokslo muziejų vaidmenį vykdant mokymąsi už mokyklos ribų ir įgyvendinant šiuolaikinę mokslo komunikacijos koncepciją – vykdyti socialinius pokyčius, įtraukti lankytojus į mokslo ginčų ir poleminių klausimų svarstymą, interaktyvų ir patirtinį mokymąsi. Gilindamos į sąsajas tarp formaliojo, neformaliojo ir savaiminio mokymosi, autorės analizuoja mokinių rizominį mokymąsi mokantis anglų kalbos už klasės ir mokyklos ribų, apimant virtualias bei skaitmenines aplinkas – socialiniai tinklai, žaidimai, filmai, technologijų ir kultūrinių industrijų sukurtos erdvės. Knygoje pristatomas mokymosi už klases ir mokyklos ribų atvejis – naujos mokymosi vietos konstravimas kuriant edukacinį atominio turizmo maršrutą „Atominis Visaginas“.Tyrėjos pristato kokybinį ir kiekybinį tyrimą, kurio metu socialinių mokslų mokytojai iš visos Lietuvos dalyvaudami mokymuose, susipažino su virtualiu maršrutu ir inovatyviomis pedagoginėmis strategijomis bei išbandė šias metodikas su mokiniais. []

ENThis book presents the recent reconceptualization of the place of education, where the notion of ‘plastic‘ place is emphasized implying that the place can be local and global, covering the dimensions of physicality and virtuality, external and internal, objectivity and subjectivity. The authors of the book highlight the growing importance of place-based education, when applying this pedagogical strategy, students work in a physical place beyond the school building and the community turns into a “classroom”. In this case, practical and physical, real-world learning experiences are emphasized, at the same time this learning increases academic achievements, helps students strengthen ties with the community, allows them to understand the value of the natural environment, and strengthens civic attitudes. The authors of the book discuss an important trend for the reconceptualization of the place of education, the growing importance of the concept of outdoor education, learning and teaching beyond the classroom.When organizing educational activities in public spaces (museums, libraries, galleries, heritage objects, science centers and community places, social and cultural groups, urban spaces, natural environment), the aim is to actualize the link between formal, non-formal and informal learning. Learning outside the classroom and outdoor education help to develop ecological literacy, critically assess the impact of climate change, to understand diversity and understand how different social, ethnic, and religious groups live together. Landscapes, built and natural, social and cultural spaces, including the school territory itself, become learning environments. Experiential learning outside the classroom allows not only the acquisition of practical skills, but promotes the development of feelings, attitudes and values, and fosters personal, social and civic growth.During such learning, a sense of place is created as the meaning assigned to the place of a person or group, subjective perception, and attachment to the place. The new conceptualization of place, the transfer of learning to environments outside the school and classroom, corresponds with the processes taking place in the tourism sector. The book discusses the growing role of educational tourism when it aims to attract those target groups and audiences (pupils, students, learning professionals) that consider education as a priority of tourist activities – the so-called “education first” approach. When applying the provisions of educational tourism, excursions, trips and visits to tourist objects and museums are organized, on the one hand, as part of non-formal education and, on the other hand, they become an extension of formal education, when tourist activities and learning in museums are connected with lessons. This new educational orientation encourages the institutions and experts organizing tourism services to evaluate the specifics of informal and formal education, to understand the needs of students, the requirements of the curriculum and the intended learning outcomes, to know how schools are managed and decision-making is done, to prepare educational packages for teachers and students.This book is the result of the EDUATOM6 project, where researchers – authors of the monograph and other researchers of the project, conducted a large-scale study using participatory action research and ethnographic research. The authors of this monograph, Eglė Gerulaitienė and Natalija Mažeikienė, discuss the role of modern science museums in education outside the school in the chapter “The multifaceted identity of science museums: the connection between science communication, interactive learning and entertainment”. The authors discuss the four stages of the historical development of science museums, when museums move from the function of collecting and exhibiting valuable historical objects to a new concept of science communication and education, focusing more on interactive activities, visitor engagement, entertainment and education. The authors analyze the case of a modern science museum, the science exposition of the National Museum of Scotland, and aim to demonstrate how the mission of the fourth generation science museum is realized in practice. It is revealed how museums aim to present a critical approach, to develop social responsibility and citizenship in society, to encourage society to get involved in the solution of complex scientific and technological issues, ethical dilemmas and challenges, to contribute to changes in society – to strive for democracy and social justice, and to address the climate change problems and environmental issues. [...]. [From the publication]

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2023-09-11 17:40:45
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