Antrinių žaliavų surinkimo sistemos apkrova Lietuvoje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Antrinių žaliavų surinkimo sistemos apkrova Lietuvoje
Alternative Title:
Load of secondary raw material collection system in Lithuania
In the Journal:
Geografijos metraštis [Annales Geographicae. Geographical Yearbook]. 2019, 52, p. 39-54
Summary / Abstract:

ENDue to the increasing problem of environment pollution, this article analyses load of secondary raw material collection system in Lithuania. There is a lack of studies which would be focused on territorial peculiarities of load of secondary raw material collection system in Lithuania, more research examines the waste management system in general. Meanwhile, in the international context studies that address the management of municipal waste from a systematic point of view, both globally and locally, are not entirely new. However, there are still not many works in which the secondary raw material collection system is considered territorially. The aim of this article is to estimate load of secondary raw material collection system in Lithuania, perceive territorial peculiarities, and identify possible causes. Research was conducted by using statistical data of the Environmental Protection Agency from 2013 – 2016, and analysing results of calculations. CorelDRAW and several cartographic methods were used to create maps. Analysis has revealed that territorial peculiarities of load of secondary raw material collection system is related to the amount of recycled waste from the total amount of municipal waste. In Lithuania, the load of the secondary raw material collection system is high: the volume of the site is filled in 1.38 times a week.Although only 61.2 percent of municipal waste is recycled, and there is 0.99 m3 of recycled waste per capita, but there are only 2.5 sites for 1000 inhabitants. Smaller load of secondary raw material collection system (less than 0.9) is characteristic to the East and North Lithuania; meanwhile bigger loads (more than 1.1) are typical to the Southern and Northwestern parts of Lithuania, as well as to the central part of the country. These differences occur due to various social, cultural, economic, historical and political reasons. It is important to take into account individual situation of each municipality in order to ensure efficient collection system of secondary raw material in Lithuania. Keywords: Secondary raw materials, waste sorting, waste collection system, environmental protection. [From the publication]

0132-3156; 2335-8610
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