LTPelkės - neatsiejama Lietuvos kraštovaizdžio dalis su savitomis gamtinėmis ypatybėmis, tamsiuose durpių kloduose slypinčia tūkstantmečių istorija. Gyvenimas pelkių apsuptyje formavo pasaulėžiūrų, pelkėse glūdintys gamtos turtai maitino ir gydė, o neišbrendamos klampynės gelbėjo nuo kraštų siaubusių priešų. [Iš leidinio]
ENSwamps are an integral part of the Lithuanian landscape with their distinctive natural features. Since Lithuania is part of the zone of excess moisture, since ancient times there were various wetlands, and in the Middle Ages it was famous as a land of swamps and forests. The article reviews folkloric data on swamps and distinguishes more interesting archaeological finds found in wet places, items that are considered offerings. Mythical images related to swamps and their development are analysed. The frightening abyss of the bog pond and the wetlands were associated with the chthonic deities, the devil, and eventually with evil spirits. [From the publication]