Studies in Baltic and other languages

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
  • Anglų kalba / English
  • Vokiečių kalba / German
  • Rusų kalba / Russian
Studies in Baltic and other languages
  • Аркадьев, Петр Mихайлович, sudarymas [com]
  • Pakerys, Jurgis, sudarymas [com]
  • Šeškauskienė, Inesa, sudarymas [com]
  • Žeimantienė, Vaiva, sudarymas [com]
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2021.
467 p
Vilnius University Open Series
Bibliografija prie straipsnių.
Preface — Tabula gratulatoria — List of selected publications by Axel Holvoet — Is Lithuanian a polysynthetic language? / Peter Arkadiev — Connective negation and negative concord in Balto-Slavic / Johan van der Auwera, Motoki Nomachi and Olga Krasnoukhova — Adjacent vs. separated placement of preposition and noun as a factor in noun inflection: The cases of Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian pazuho ‘armpit’ / Wayles Browne — Curatives in the Old-Lithuanian Bible translations / Paweł Brudzyński — Towards a source-oriented approach to typological universals / Sonia Cristofaro — A deontic possibility modal in Latvian: Personal vs. impersonal uses in a corpus / Anna Daugavet — Notes on three Proto-Slavic borrowings / Rick Derksen — Латышские глаголы на '-ēt': семантика vs. спряжение / Анжелика Дубасова — Realizations of deonticity in Lithuanian: The case of particles / Erika Jasionytė-Mikučionienė and Anna Ruskan — A note on epistemic and effective meanings of the Polish perfective and imperfective / Agata Kochańska — Независимо используемый дательный падеж в литовском, русском и словенском языках: некоторые замечания к сопоставительному анализу / Елена Коницкая — Modalities of case assignment: The view from Lithuanian / James E. Lavine — When one is singular: Notes on zero-person constructions in Latvian / Nicole Nau — Obligatory features of Lithuanian verbal inflection classes / Jurgis Pakerys — A peculiar Lithuanian particle 'mat' or 'Mat ją bala, irgi mat dalelytė!' / Vladimir Panov and Ringailė Trakymaitė — The submerged genitive in Old Prussian / Daniel Petit —Русское 'чуть': загадки грамматикализации / Владимир Плунгян, Екатерина Рахилина, Милослава Орехова — The origin of nasality in Macedonian dialects / Irena Sawicka — Old Lithuanian 'plęšti' / Wojciech Smoczyński — Lithuanian reflexive-based impersonals with accusative objects / Birutė Spraunienė and Vaiva Žeimantienė — Louis Hjelmslev and the Baltic countries / Bohumil Vykypěl — Zum Verhältnis zwischen Präsens und Futur im Litauischen: Präliminaria im Bereich sprechzeitenthobener Propositionen / Björn Wiemer — Differential Source Marking in the languages of Europe / Natalia Zaika — When the search domain is back region in Baltic: The Latvian 'aiz' as compared to the Lithuanian 'už' / Eglė Žilinskaitė and Inesa Šeškauskienė.
Summary / Abstract:

ENPreface We dedicate this volume to Axel Holvoet, a talented linguist, a distinguished professor of Vilnius University, Honorary Doctor of the University of Latvia, a recipient of the Gold Cross of Merit of Poland, a member of the Academia Europaea, a teacher, a colleague and a friend. He is best characterised by three things: first, by his passion for Baltic and general linguistics, second, by his dedication to students, colleagues and friends, and third, by his role in Academia Salensis, a gem of academic excellence and a place of attraction to many linguists. In January 2021 Axel Holvoet celebrated his 65th birthday. He started his career as a linguist after graduating from the Department of Slavic languages and literatures at Ghent University in 1977, then moving to Poland and working mainly as a scholar of Slavic. He defended his PhD thesis on grammatical aspect in Polish in 1983 and began working at the Institute of Slavonic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences. In 1991 he defended his habilitation thesis on transitivity and clause structure in Polish. His growing interest in the Baltic languages in the mid-eighties of the 20th century was a primary motive for him to learn first Latvian and later Lithuanian. In 1988 he started teaching Baltic linguistics at the University of Warsaw. In 1998 he moved to Lithuania; there he worked at the Institute of the Lithuanian Language and then at Vilnius University, where he has been teaching and doing research until now. His main subjects include trends in contemporary linguistics, syntax, language typology, and grammatical theory. [...]. [Extract, p. 8]

9786090706350; 9786090706367 (skaitmeninis PDF)
2024-09-18 17:10:54
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