Pedagogika bezpieczeństwa a etnobezpieczeństwo młodzieży polskiej na Litwie

Sklaidos publikacijos / Dissemination publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lenkų kalba / Polish
Pedagogika bezpieczeństwa a etnobezpieczeństwo młodzieży polskiej na Litwie
Alternative Title:
Pedagogy of security and the ethnosecurity of Polish youth in Lithuania
Publication Data:
Gorzów Wielkopolski : Akademia im. Jakuba z Paradyża w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim, 2022.
174 p
Bibliografija ir dalykų rodyklė.
Wstęp — Rozdział I: Pedagogika i bezpieczeństwo - wspólna przestrzeń działania: 1.1. Pedagogika bezpieczeństwa czy edukacja dla bezpieczeństwa? 1.2. Bezpieczeństwo kulturowe a etnobezpieczeństwo mniejszości w wymiarze tożsamościowym; 1.3. Mniejszość narodowa i jej tożsamość - jak ją postrzegamy? — Rozdział II: Obecność Polaków na Litwie: 2.1. Polacy na Litwie - historia i współczesne wyzwania; 2.2. Historia obecności Polaków na Litwie; 2.3. Historyczne uwarunkowania szkolnictwa polskiego na Litwie; 2.4. Oświata polska na Litwie w badaniach; 2.5. Podstawy prawne oświaty mniejszości polskiej na Litwie po 1991 r.; 2.6. Litewski system edukacji po 2011 roku; 2.7. Problemy oświaty litewskiej do rozwiązania — Rozdział III: Etnobezpieczeństwo polskiej młodzieży na Litwie w badaniach własnych: 3.1. Rządowy program współpracy z Polonią i Polakami za granicą w latach 2015-2020; 3.2. Tożsamość Polaków na Litwie w dotychczasowych badaniach; 3.3. Tożsamość narodowa polskiej młodzieży w badaniach własnych; 3. 4. Etnobezpieczeństwo młodzieży polskiej na Litwie - wyniki badań Własnych — Zakończenie — Bibliografia — Aneks — Summary.
Summary / Abstract:

ENThe book presents the Author’s own research on the behavior and transmission of identity among the next generation of Polish youth living in Lithuania. The combination of pedagogy and security sciences, two disciplines that may seem very distant from each other. However, it is very misleading. Currently, a new concept in science is being observed, known as the process of hybridization of science, i.e., combining two or more fields/disciplines which are seemingly incompatible. The combination of pedagogy and security sciences results from several issues. Both pedagogy and security sciences are disciplines included in the field of social sciences. [...] The contexts presented in the book, related to security pedagogy, ethnosecurity and elements of the multicultural context, became an important starting point that indicated the perspective presented in the book. The book is divided into several main parts. In the first part, in order to better understand the context of the presented issue, basing on the literature on the subject, the Author introduced the area of security pedagogy and education for security. She tried to make a synthetic analysis of various approaches and perspectives so as to precisely conceptualize this issue. An important element of this part is the reference to the issue of cultural security and an attempt to define ethnosecurity. The Author has attempted to provide a new definition of the term “ethnosecurity” as a more detailed description of cultural security for the purpose of determining its scope. Security sciences are a new discipline that continues to develop and seek various solutions. The inclusion of the conducted research in the field of pedagogical sciences and security sciences shows a new research perspective on education. This approach made it possible to systematize the existing information and to introduce the situation of Poles in Lithuania as a minority group.On the grounds of the issues that the book raises, the questions of Lithuanian education and minority education incorporated in it (including the Polish minority in Lithuania) are addressed in the book, in order to draw attention to difficult areas that may affect ethnosecurity. This enabled the Author to move on to the next stage, in which the focus was on discussing the issue of ethnosecurity of the identity of young Poles living in Lithuania in the context of pedagogy of security and ethnosecurity of minorities. It also includes a reference to previous studies in this field and the Author’s own research is presented. The whole publication ends with conclusions in which it is pointed out that further, more detailed research is necessary, as well as solutions to dilemmas with which the representatives of the Polish minority in Lithuania are not and will not be able to cope alone. The book, thanks to its “hybrid” view, shows that it is possible to analyze issues related to upbringing and education in an interdisciplinary way. This may be an inspiration for further, detailed studies of the situation of Poles as minorities in other countries, as well as representatives of minorities living in Poland. The interdisciplinary approach will allow for the development of more detailed directives for security pedagogy and, in the longer term, also for the maintaining of ethnic security of minorities. It should be emphasized that the diversity of conditions may have an impact on the formation of ethnosecurity. Such an approach makes it worthwhile to consider the contemporary perception of their own identity by young Poles living in Lithuania. As the next generation born in Lithuania, they are an interesting source of information on the transmission of Polish identity. A closer look at the various ways of identity transmission will help to define the areas of ethnosecurity.The presented research results are a reflection on the need to address, in a broader perspective, the ethnosecurity of our compatriots living in other countries. Undoubtedly, in order to determine why this is happening, comprehensive and in-depth research would be necessary, the detailed conclusions of which would allow for suggesting solutions that would definitely help maintain the Polish identity and guarantee the ethnosecurity of the Polish minority in Lithuania. However, for this to happen, it is necessary to carry out various types of activities resulting from the assumptions of both pedagogy of security and ethnopedagogy, on a large scale, in both Polish and Lithuanian schools in Lithuania. The combination of these two areas will allow us to prepare the next generations of young people functioning and living on cultural borderlands to live together and better understand each other, as well as understand their mutual needs related to maintaining their identity and thus the ethnosecurity of their group. Without mutual understanding, it will never be possible to reach an agreement and create an asylum that will enable us to live together today, respecting the past and looking into a common future at the same time. Successive governments, as well as successive generations, face huge challenges connected with, on the one hand, learning to live together, and, on the other hand, preserving the achievements of their ancestors through remembering their roots and cultivating identity, which is the basis for building the future. [From the publication]

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