Problems of organizing physical activity events in the work of leisure time organisers: why and how?

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Anglų kalba / English
Problems of organizing physical activity events in the work of leisure time organisers: why and how?
In the Journal:
Humanities studies. 2020, 3 (80), p. 112-121
Summary / Abstract:

ENAnnotation. Relevance and novelty. With the rapid growth of cities and industries in the developing countries physical inactivity thereis becoming an increasingly bigger problem as compared to economically developed countries. The lack of physical activity in the developing countries is partially due to the rapidly growing population, increase in economic poverty, high crime rates, growing air pollution, the lack of parks, sidewalks, sports and recreation equipment, as well as many other reasons. That is why complex effective public health improvement methods, which could change peoples’ physical activity habits, are necessary [1,2]. The current physical activity level is partially based on unfit physical activity during leisure time and its increase during professional occupation of a leisure time organiser. Due to a higher level of urbanisation some factors have occurred that deter even leisure time organisers themselves from any physical activity. Problematic issue – What are the problems of organising physical activity events in the work of a leisure time organiser? Do event organisers take in consideration social benefits/impact on the society? Research subject – problems of event organisation in the work of leisure time organisers. Goal of the article – to identify problems of event organisation for leisure time organisers. Objectives of the article: 1. To show the aspects of physical activity events’ organising; 2. To analyse the social benefits of a leisure time organiser’s work.Methods - analysis and synthesis, abstraction, comparative analysis contribute the penetration into complex phenomena and processes of modern reality associated with leisure in context of globalisation. Results: Leisure time organising and physical activity are the factors that promote social activeness. One of the goals of such physical activity events’ is to improve social skills.The lack of social activity is a serious problem in the age of modern technology. Physical activity events have the power and can influence this negative phenomenon. This type of eventsencourages people to not close off from the society at home in front of their computers or televisions, but rather integrate into the society. Physical activity events motivate the members of society to socialise and get acquainted with new people. They also promote selfrealisation, education processes, and the preservation of family, as a fundamental value. Moreover, physical activity events help to develop the feeling of communality between different people and have a lasting value. These events can change prejudice and create social changes. All of this can be considered as an improvement in the quality of life. Keywords: physical activity, events, leisure time organiser, problems, quality of life. [From the publication]

2708-0390; 2708-0404
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