LTKaune gimęs menininkas, grafikas, restauratorius, Stepono Batoro, po to Torūnės universiteto Grafikos katedros vadovas Jurgis HOPPENAS (1891–1969) pasireiškė daugelyje sričių, nors labiausiai žinomas kaip grafikas. Šis Vilniaus universiteto bibliotekos darbuotojos Nijolės BULOTAITĖS tekstas – apie menininko meilę Vilniui ir šio miesto paveldui įamžinti skirtus darbus. [Iš leidinio]
ENJerzy HOPPEN (1891–1969) was an artist, graphic designer and restorer. Born in Kaunas, he was the head of graphic art at Stephen Bathory University, and later at the University of Toruń. Hoppen was active in many fields, but he is best known for his graphic art. This article by Nijolė BULOTAITĖ, a researcher at Vilnius University Library, is about the artist’s love of Vilnius, and the works he devoted to remembering the heritage of the city. [From the publication]