Kauno bernardinų konventas - senosios zakristijos mįslė

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kauno bernardinų konventas - senosios zakristijos mįslė
Alternative Title:
Bernardine convent in Kaunas: The enigma of the old sacristy
In the Book:
Koklinių krosnių fenomenas: tarp praktinės naudos ir kultūrinės tradicijos / sudarytoja Raimonda Nabažaitė. Klaipėda : Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla, 2022. P. 145-161. (Archaeologia urbana ; 1)
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aptariami Kauno bernardinų vienuolyno senosios zakristijos tyrimai. Argumentuojama hipotezė, kad patalpoje rastas grindų fragmentas gali būti siejamas su XV a. pr. šioje vietoje galėjusiu stovėti dvaro pastatu, kurį LDK didikas Stankus Sudivojaitis (iš Valimantaičių giminės) dovanojo bernardinų vienuoliams kuriantis Kaune. Šios giminės atstovai yra užėmę svarbias pozicijas LDK administracijoje ir rezidavę Kaune nuo XV a. pradžios. Žinant, kad Kauno pilis tuo metu mažai tiko valdovo rezidencijai, straipsnyje daroma prielaida, kad ji galėjo būti įkurta būtent šiame pastate, greta pilies stovėjusiame dvare. Reikšminiai žodžiai: bernardinai, zakristija, archeologija, grindų plytelės, LDK didikas Stankus Sudivojaitis. [Iš leidinio]

ENA fragment of ceramic tile floor was discovered in the sacristy during the 2014 research into Kaunas Bernardine Monastery. The find is dated to the mid-i5th century or earlier. The floor was made of rhombus-shaped tiles, and it is believed to be a unique example of a fragment of extant floor from that period in Lithuania. The floor was in one of the oldest brickwork buildings in Kaunas, which was built on a layer of gravel obtained in the course of digging the castle’s moat. The method of installation is similar to the oldest examples of such floors in Vilnius Cathedral, the Lower Castle and Trakai Castle. From evaluating architectural details in the sacristy, it is evident that the tile floor lies below the lower part of the piasterwork, which suggests that the find can be traced back to a period preceding the old sacristy building. Historical records attest to the fact that an estate used to be located on the site, which later was donated to the Bernardines by the landlord Stankus Sudivojaitis, thereby facilitating their establishment in Kaunas. He was a notable figure in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, a descendant of the famous Valimantaičiai family, which had risen to prominence during the reign of Vytautas the Great. In consideration of the historical background involving numerous visits to Kaunas made by Vytautas, the ruler of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, on diplomatic missions, it appears that it might have served as a residence of the governor of the grand duke and the castellan as well as the aiderman of Kaunas, while the extant floor fragment is a tangible witness of that period. [From the publication]

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2023-08-16 17:55:20
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