ENThe aim of the article is to analyze the prose entitled Praeities šmėklos by Marija Lastauskienė published in 1996. It is an example of an unfi nished biographical novel or saga-type writing of a noble family living in Samogitia. The model of the main hero of this book is Samogitian painter, literary man, and also the author’s father – Nikodem Erazm Iwanowski (1839–1932). In Poland, he is well known as an artist, whose works were exhibited in the center of art “Zachęta”. He also maintained lively correspondence with Eliza Orzeszkowa and Maria Konopnicka. The Lithuanians consider Iwanowski a very talented painter (his works are displayed in galleries and churches in Lithuania), but perhaps he is mainly known as the father of two female writers Sofi ja Pšibiliaskienė and Marija Lastauskienė, whose books were published under the same pen name Lazdynų Pelėda (The Owl in Hazelnut Tree). Set in the 19th century, Praeities šmėklos is an instance of psychological prose. Keywords: the 20th century, autobiography prose, Iwanowski family, Marija Lastauskienė. [From the publication]