Lietuvos Respublikos notariatas (1918-1940) ir jo likimas: sistema, bendruomenė, asmenybės

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvos Respublikos notariatas (1918-1940) ir jo likimas: sistema, bendruomenė, asmenybės
Alternative Title:
Notariate of the Republic of Lithuania (1918-1940) and its fate: system, community and personalities
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Versus : 2021.
230 p
Bibliografija ir asmenvardžių rodyklė.
Įvadas — Lietuvos notariato raida 1918-1940 metais: Sistema ir teisinė aplinka; Permainų belaukiant: Hipotekos įstatymas; Lietuvos notarų draugijos įkūrimas ir kuo čia dėti estai? Energinga pradžia: Lietuvos notarų draugijos veikla; Sustabdyti planai: draugijos likvidavimas — Notarai visuomenėje 1918-1940 m.: Pilietinis ir politinis aktyvumas; Teisingumo užribyje — Tarpukario Lietuvos Respublikos notarų kolektyvinė biografija: Lietuvos notarų profesinės grupės kiekybinė ir kokybinė charakteristika; „Parodyk savo draugus, pasakysiu kas Tu toks", arba ką apie tarpukario Lietuvos notarą sako daugiau negu trečdalio jo kolegų biografijos; Notarų biogramos — Okupacijos ir notarų likimai: Notariato sistemos sovietizacija 1940-1941 metais; Notariato pertvarkos ir veikla nacių okupacijos metais; Nepriklausomos Lietuvos notarų likimai okupacijų metais; 1940 m. suimti notarai; Notarai, pasitraukę ar repatrijavę 1940 m.; Notarai - 1941 m. politiniai kaliniai ir tremtiniai; Notarai - priverstiniai emigrantai - 1944 m.; Notarai, represuoti pokariu — Išvados — Priedai — Summary — Šaltiniai — Iliustracijų sąrašas — Asmenvardžių rodyklė.
Summary / Abstract:

LTLietuvos notariato ir notarų istorijos pasakojimas, sugulęs į šią studiją, pretenduoja pasiekti tris esminius tikslus: papildyti tarpukario Lietuvos (1918-1940) valstybės ir visuomenės raidą analizuojančius tyrimus; svariai išplėsti Lietuvos notariato istorinių tyrimų lauką; esmingai prisidėti prie šiandieninės Lietuvos notariato bendruomenės istorinės savimonės formavimosi. Tikslo siekiama trimis kryptimis: a) atskleidžiant 1918-1940 m. notariato padėtį Lietuvos valstybės teisinės sistemos visumoje; b) analizuojant Lietuvos notarų profesinę, visuomeninę, politinę veiklą ir jų likimą po Lietuvos sovietinės (1940, 1944) ir nacistinės okupacijų (1941) pradžios; c) sudarant kolektyvinę tarpukario notarų biografiją ir pateikiant atskiras jų biogramas. Taigi ši kolektyvinė studija nėra tik konkretaus laikotarpio Lietuvos Respublikos teisinės sistemos ar profesinės istorijos pavyzdys. Nuo pat studijos parengiamųjų darbų autoriai buvo įsitikinę, kad notariato ir konkrečių notarų istorijose turi skleistis Lietuvos Respublikos politinis, teisinis ir visuomeninis gyvenimas, ir atvirkščiai. Todėl neatsitiktinai kiekvienas šios knygos puslapiuose sutiktas notaras pasakoja ne tik savo, bet ir aplinkinės bendruomenės, kartu ir Lietuvos Respublikos istoriją. Studijoje pateikiama ir konkrečios visuomenės grupės biografinių duomenų analizė, kuri galiausiai sugula į biogramas ir, svarbiausia, į visuminį notaro kolektyvinį portretą. [Iš Įvado]

ENThe story of the history of the Lithuanian notariat and notaries lying in this study claims to achieve three essential goals - to supplement the research analyzing the development of the state and society of interwar Lithuania (in 1918-1940); to significantly expand the field of historical research of the Lithuanian notariat; to contribute to the formation of the historical self-consciousness of today's Lithuanian notariat community. The goal is pursued in three directions: a) by revealing, the situation of the notary in the legal system of the Lithuanian state as a whole in 1918-1940; b) by analyzing the professional, social and political activities of Lithuanian notaries and their fate after the Soviet (in 1940, 1944) and Nazi occupations (in 1941); (c) drawing up a collective biography of 4 interwar notaries and submitting their separate biograms. This collective study is not only an example of the legal system or professional history of the Republic of Lithuania in a specific period. From the very beginning, the authors of the preparatory works of the study were convinced that the political, legal and social life of the Republic of Lithuania and vice versa must unfold in the stories of the notariat and specific notaries. Therefore, it is no coincidence that every notary met in the pages of this book tells not only his own, but also the history of the surrounding community, as well as the history of the Republic of Lithuania. In the study, we will also see the analysis of the biographical data of a specific group of society, which eventually lies in the biograms and, most importantly, in the overall collective portrait of the notary.It is also obvious that the second chronological landmark of the study does not end in 1940. The investigation follows the fate of interwar notaries, wherever they lead them: to the forced end of their careers, to imprisonment in a concentration camp, to deportation, to war refugee camps and diaspora, or in other directions. The study is divided into four parts. The first part examines the institutional and legal development of the Lithuanian notariat, the legal environment and the activities of the Lithuanian Society of Notaries. The first 19 Lithuanian notaries started their activities as soon as the Lithuanian state was born, while in 1939 there were 44 notary offices. Notaries who worked at the dawn of the Republic relied on the adapted law of the Tsarist Russian Empire, but a serious systemic break in the work of notaries took place in 1938 after the adoption of the Mortgage Law. In the 1920s, Lithuanian notaries were considered as court clerks, and their work was funded by the state and since 1932 state funding was discontinued and notarial income consisted of funds paid by clients. The analysis of the Lithuanian Society of Notaries helped to understand the organization, maturity and corporate self-awareness of this professional community. The Lithuanian Society of Notaries was founded in 1939 on the initiative of R Brazaitis. However, during one year of activity, significant work was done in several areas - projects for the reform of the notariat system were started, regulation of professional ethics was planned, social insurance of notariat employees was started to be taken care of, and an information publication for notaries was launched.The active involvement of the majority of notaries in the professional community, international cooperation with Latvian and Estonian notaries, and the initiative and experienced board of the society contributed to the main goal of the society - coordination and improvement of notarial activities. The second part of the study analyzes the social activities of notaries -their relationship with society and the state, belonging to various political and cultural organizations. Lithuanian notaries were active participants in public life, engaged in rallying of various groups of society and in defense of their interests, participated in charitable activity, and financially supported Lithuanian defense affairs. The third part of the book presents a compiled collective biography of nofaries, which includes several dozen biographical data of members of this community. After a thorough collection and analysis of one third of the biographies of interwar Lithuanian notaries we can state several things. Most notaries acquired higher education in interwar Lithuania. Most of these persons worked as secretaries, clerks or civil servants in court institutions or in notary offices before becoming notaries, and some of them worked in ministries or other state institutions. The influence, social and economic role of about one third of notaries went far beyond the borders of the notary's office and manifested itself in the field of politics, economics and art. Such activity creates preconditions for claiming that notaries were one of the most educated and active groups in the public sphere at the national and local level of interwar Lithuanian society. The fourth part reveals the liquidation of the Lithuanian notariat and the fate of notaries during the Soviet and Nazi occupation. The fates of notaries after the occupation of Lithuania were different. [...]. [From the publication]

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