Religinio ugdymo atkūrimo Lietuvoje bruožai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Religinio ugdymo atkūrimo Lietuvoje bruožai
Alternative Title:
Features of the restoration of religious education in Lithuania
In the Journal:
Summary / Abstract:

LTBažnyčia ilgą laiką buvo eliminuota iš Lietuvos švietimo sistemos. Sovietų valdžia atskyrė ją nuo ugdymo proceso, uždarė religines mokyklas, iš ugdymo planų pašalino religinio turinio pamokas, uždraudė grupinę katechezę, kaip nesuderinamą su sovietinio žmogaus pažangos samprata. Religinio ugdymo atkūrimo idėjas atgaivino Lietuvos Atgimimas. Joms įgyvendinti tada trūko tiek teisinio, tiek praktinio pagrindo. Šiame kontekste straipsnyje keliama mokslinė problema - kokios esminės religinio ugdymo restitucijos Lietuvoje prielaidos analizuojamuoju laikotarpiu, kokie religinio ugdymo aspektai ir sritys plėtoti per pirmąjį mūsų šalies Nepriklausomybės dešimtmetį? Istorinių šaltinių analizė atskleidė, kad kartu su prasidėjusiu Atgimimo judėjimu kilo poreikis siūlyti LSSR Konstitucijos tobulinimo variantus. Į šį kvietimą atsiliepė tiek Katalikų Bažnyčios dvasininkai, tiek tikintieji pasauliečiai. Todėl galima teigti, kad aktyvi jų veikla religinio ugdymo įteisinimo srityje restitucijos prielaidas subrandino dar Nepriklausomybės atgavimo išvakarėse. Juridiniu požiūriu religinio ugdymo statusas ir Katalikų Bažnyčios inkorporavimas į šalies edukacinius procesus įtvirtintas 2000 m., ratifikavus tarptautinę sutartį tarp Šventojo Sosto ir Lietuvos Respublikos dėl bendradarbiavimo kultūros bei švietimo srityse. Atlikta istorinių šaltinių analizė leidžia teigti, kad antrojo atkurtos Nepriklausomybės dešimtmečio pradžioje Lietuvoje jau buvo paklotas religinio ugdymo juridinis pagrindas, įteisinta religinio ugdymo vieta švietimo sistemoje, sukurtas (iš dalies atkurtas) katalikiškųjų mokyklų tinklas. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe Soviet government separated the Church from the process of education, closed religious schools, eliminated lessons of religious contents from education programmes and prohibited group catechesis. Lithuanian Revival restored the ideas of religious education. However, implementation of these ideas in the mentioned period lacked both legislative and practical foundations. A scientific problem is raised in this context - what essential prerequisites enabled implementation of restitution of religious education in the analysed period? What main aspects in the sphere of restoration of religious education were developed from the beginning of Independence? The article employs analyses of scientific literature and documents as methods of the research. Analysis of historical material and state documents reveals that restitution of religious education at the beginning of the post-soviet period in Lithuania was initiated by the clergy and widely supported by the congregation. Essential factors of the restitution of religious education were: on the national level - the legitimised right to religious education present in the Constitution, the Law on Education and the Law on Religious Communities and Associations of the Republic of Lithuania; on the international level: educational rights of the Catholic Church set out in the Agreement between the Holy See and the Republic of Lithuania. These factors provided for and ensured juridical possibilities for the integration of religious education into the common educational system and for the foundation of confessional schools and the development of their network.At the end of the analysed period both of these aspects were already in action: religion was taught in comprehensive education schools, programmes, handbooks and other methodical materials of this subject had been prepared and improved and the network of confessional catholic schools was in dynamic formation. At the time confessional schools in the country were separated into state and non-state schools of catholic direction founded by accordingly two (the Church and the Statc/Municipality) or one (the Church) founders. Educational institutions of monasteries, which by their name, juridical dependence and educational ideas tried to re-establish the historical continuity of pedagogical activities of pre-soviet times and integrated successfully into the educational system of reviving Lithuania, were distinguished in both quantitative and qualitative processes of development of confessional schools. [From the publication]

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