LTAnalizuosime kultūros reiškinį, kaip žmogaus genijaus sukurtą produktą. Klausime, kaip šiandien sąveikauja kultūra ir žmogaus gyvenimas, kaip kultūrinė transformacija veikia patį žmogaus modeliavimo suvokimo procesą. Analizuosime, kaip kultūrinis suvokimas to, kas „normalu“, arba to, kas yra „vertybė“, keičiamas tuo, kas malonu, naudinga. Kaip sukuriamas naujas normalumo ir vertingumo konceptas. Kuriame visuomenę be ribų, pagrįstą išimtimis, ar pagarbią ir tolerantišką visuomenę? Pagrindiniai žodžiai: prigimtis, kultūra, identitetas, normalumas, išimtis, politinis korektiškumas, narcisizmas, individualizmas, masių psichologija, ribos, krizė, laisvė, žmogaus orumas, kultūrinis identitetas, tėvas, tėvystė. [Iš leidinio]
ENThe guiding idea of this article is to try to look at the socio-cultural changes taking place at the level of Western culture. Changes concerning the essence of the perception of the human being itself, of its nature. How is generated the dialogue and the interaction between the product created by human genius – the “culture” and today’s politics, and how the issues related to human existence itself are interpreted. We analyze how the culture influences the trajectory of asking questions about the nature itself, introducing it into the dialectic of normality – abnormality. How, when thinking in the categories of the postmodern world, it turns into talking about exceptions and the possibilities of their normalization. Possibilities for the normalization based on the possibility of ensuring human dignity. The question is, how does this society of the new postmodern world becomes a society of exceptions and how the internal conflict is born? Is it possible to find a common denominator, a starting point, which would enable the arising challenges by ensuring the harmonious coexistence and rights of all the stakeholders? The past two centuries have forced us to see many different things: starting with the family crisis, human dignity, and many more crises. The reality of family and human life is being brutally attacked, and a person living in a liquid and unstable society feels disoriented, insecure, and no longer able to identify himself: “he becomes increasingly vague, so vague that neither poetry, nor politics, nor philosophy can anticipate it today. We can no longer rely on “word”, “language” or “feeling” that would remain stable. We can only be sure about the fact that we are not sure about something we remember as it was in the past it will remain as it was in the future” (Belardinelli, 2002, p. 130).Therefore, a person enters a crisis when his “normality” is shaken by something “exceptional”, and in order to overcome that crisis, he must have a stable starting point. A point that would be a testimony of fathers function and would provide the stability for choices made by both: the individual and the society. A point which, unfortunately, is not proposed neither presented, indicated by the social and cultural environment in which he lives. The return of the question of nature in the social sphere would make it so that the father, with his function, would return to family life and, in a symbolic sense, to the center of actuality of the relationships of society itself, based on natural psychodynamics. Because fatherhood belongs to the natural essence of human being. As S. Belardinelli says, there is a need to find a system that can defend human dignity in a complex reality with many multilayer relationships in which this dignity is realizable (family, society, yourself etc.). Proper human development in the future will depend on us. If we will not forget that we must defend the multicultural pluralism in which the human being expresses himself, but at the same time acknowledging the need of the limits (the question of normality). The limits used to describe the character of human being itself. So, acknowledging the complexity and risks of today’s society – at the level of politics economics and so on – we must have a stable starting point, belonging to human being itself. His nature. The question about the nature is the only one who can really mediate between systemic institutions and human needs and development. Keywords: nature, culture, identity, normality, exception, political correctness, narcissism, individualism, mass psychology, boundaries, crisis, freedom, human dignity, cultural identity, father, fatherhood. [From the publication]