Kultūrspecifiskā leksika Regīnas Ezeras darbu tulkojumos lietuviešu valodā

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Latvių kalba / Latvian
Kultūrspecifiskā leksika Regīnas Ezeras darbu tulkojumos lietuviešu valodā
Alternative Title:
Culture-specific lexis in translations of Regina Ezera's works into Lithuanian
In the Journal:
Valoda - .... Valoda dažādu kultūru kontekstā [Language. Language in Various Cultural Contexts]. 2022, p. 41-54
Summary / Abstract:

ENThe purpose of the research is to find out how the names of the realia of Latvian life are used into Lithuanian translated RegÓna Ezeraís books (culture-specific lexis). A significant part of this lexicon consists of proper names: personal names (first names, surnames, nicknames), names of livestock (horses, cows) and domestic animals (cats, dogs), place names (names of towns and settlements, rivers, lakes and house names), as well as ergonyms (names of magazines and newspapers, products, etc.). Proper names in translations are mostly used either in traditional forms or correctly rendered. Translators often comment on personal names and place names created on the basis of various associations and/or puns, which are understandable to Latvians without special comments. Names of realia can be divided into two groups: 1) historical concepts (historisms) and 2) names of cultural and domestic phenomena and objects of different periods. There are not many such specific lexis in R. Ezeraís texts, but the translations of historisms, foods, as well as the names typical of the holiday (St Johnís Day) and their comments are interesting. Key words: Regina Ezera, the Latvian language, the Lithuanian language, translations, culture-specific lexis. [From the publication]

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