Senosios Rokiškio dvarvietės lokalizacija ir tyrimai

Sklaidos publikacijos / Dissemination publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Senosios Rokiškio dvarvietės lokalizacija ir tyrimai
Alternative Title:
Localization and researches of an old Rokiskis manor area
In the Book:
Senoji Rokiškio dvarvietė XVI-XVIII amžiais / sudarytoja Roma Songailaitė. Rokiškis : Visuomeninė organizacija "Tyzenhauzų paveldas", 2017. P. 107-119
Summary / Abstract:

LT2012-2017 m. archeologiniai tyrinėjimai buvo vykdomi Rokiškio dvaro sodybos teritorijos (unikalus kodas 1010) vakarinėje pusėje. Tyrinėjimų vieta buvo tarp Tyzenhauzų alėjos - šiaurinėje pusėje, Rokiškio II tvenkinio - rytinėje pusėje, Šatrijos g. 1 sklypo - pietrytinėje pusėje, Šatrijos g. 3 sklypo - pietinėje pusėje ir Šatrijos g. - vakarinėje pusėje. Šioje teritorijoje stovi pastatas (Tyzenhauzų g. 1), nuo seno vadinamas „Krošinskių pilaite“. Kelerius metus vykdant archeologinius tyrinėjimus šio pastato aplinkoje, kildavo daug klausimų. Į vienus atsakymai buvo rasti, kitiems klausimams argumentų pritrūko - kas nors ateityje į juos atsakys, o dalis gali likti ir neatsakyta. Kaip rašo T. Baranauskas, „dvarai formavosi dar beraštėje visuomenėje, ir daugelis jų kilmės paslapčių niekada nebus pakankamai aiškios“. Remiantis XX a. pab. - XXI a. pr. R. Dičiuvienės, B. Deksnio atliktais istoriniais tyrimais, A. Miškinio4 parengta miesto raidos koncepcija ir pasitelkus archeologinių tyrinėjimų medžiagą, galima bandyti retrospektyviai atkurti XV a. pab. - XVIII a. dvaro raidą ir įvertinti senosios dvarvietės vertę paveldosauginiu ir muziejiniu aspektais. [Iš straipsnio, p. 107]

ENRokiskis was first mentioned in historical sources in 1499 under the privilege of the Grand Duke of Lithuania, Alexander, from which we can assume that he was the first owner of the estate with the manor. The Manor however was managed by Duchess Elena Aleksandriene and it was her property then. After her death in 1513, the manor once again belonged to the Grand Duke. In 1514, Sigismund the Old transferred the Manor to the Duke Timofeus Kroshinsky. According to the Sigismund Augustus privilege of 1547, Rokiskis Manor was then transferred to Ivan Timofeevich Kroshinsky and his descendants for all times to come. The Manor was ruled by the Kroshinsky family until 1715. Later the manor was being rented. From 1770 on the new owners of the manor - the Tyzenhaus family - began a new period of manor development. The new manor house was newly built on a new site 300 metres to the east of its original location. The biggest part of the old manor area was completely flooded, so only a small part of this area was used for new constructions. In 1809 a Dutch type windmill was built (Fig. 7) there and later, during the middle of the 19th century, an English mill and a brewery were added. The area had become a location for commercial-industrial purpose. The size of the newly formed manor estate remained until the beginning of the 20th century when manorial distributions were performed. Rokiskis manor house was distributed in the years 1924-1925.In 1940, after the Soviet occupation and nationalizing of Rokiskis manor, its complex was included in the list of protected monuments. In this list the building, which had been built in the old manor area at the beginning of the 19th century, was called „The Castle of Kroshinsky“. From the end of the 20th century, when the historical studies of the inventories and buildings of the Kroshinsky‘s and Tyzenhaus' manors started, it was clear from the written sources, that the old manor house of Koshinsky was wooden and cross-shaped, but its direct location was unknown. During 2012 and from 2014-2017 archaeologist Roma Songailaite carried out archaeological research in the territory of the old manor house. In the surroundings of the Tyzenhaus street number 1 building she researched a 200 m2 area and found over 1000 archaeological finds which were given to the Rokiskis Regional Museum. During her research, two horizons of the cultural layer were found: one with the findings of the 16th century and the second with the fragments of Kroshinsky‘s manor house with its basement and an abundance of findings, dated back to the 17th century. Owing to her research, the area of the old manor could be localized for sure then, but it is still necessary to do a lot of further archaeological and historical studies in order to fully reconstruct the development of the manor from the end of the 15th century to the 18lh century period. [From the publication p. 198]

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