Dvidešimt aštuntoji nacionalinė mokslinė-praktinė konferencija „Gamtamokslinis ugdymas bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje – 2022“: konferencijos apžvalga

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Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Dvidešimt aštuntoji nacionalinė mokslinė-praktinė konferencija „Gamtamokslinis ugdymas bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje – 2022“: konferencijos apžvalga
Alternative Title:
28th national scientific practical conference “Natural science education in a comprehensive school – 2022”: conference review
In the Journal:
Gamtamokslinis ugdymas [GU] [Natural Science Education]. 2022, vol. 19, No. 2, p. 104-111
Summary / Abstract:

LT2022-aisiais metais nacionalinė mokslinė-praktinė konferencija „Gamtamoklinis ugdymas bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje – 2022“ vyko nuotoliniu būdu (online). Toks konferencijos formatas buvo nulemtas tebesitęsiančios Covid-19 pandemijos, todėl konferencija jau trečiąjį kartą negalėjo vykti įprastu formatu. Dalyvauti konferencijoje užsiregistravo 65 dalyviai. Konferencija, skirtingai nei praėjusiais metais, vyko balandžio 29-30 dienomis. Konferenciją pasveikino MMC „Scientia Educologica“ pirmininkas V. Lamanauskas, o taip pat organizacinio komiteto ir redakcinės kolegijos narė R. Makarskaitė-Petkevičienė. Konferencijos plenarinis posėdis buvo tarptautinis ir itin įdomus. Iš viso šio posėdžio metu buvo pristatyti penki pagrindiniai pranešimai. Akivaizdu, kad plenarinis posėdis „apjungė“ skirtingus kontinentus – Afriką (pranešėja Dr. Angela James iš Pietų Afrikos Respublikos), Lotynų Ameriką (Dr. Solange Locatelli iš Brazilijos), Europą (Dr. Martin Bilek iš Čekijos respublikos, Dr. Malgorzata Nodzynska-Moron iš Lenkijos ir Dr. Rita Birzina iš Latvijos). Visi pleariniai pranešimai bvo savaip įdomūs ir aktualūs. Prof. M. Nodzynska-Moron pranešimas buvo skirtas neformaliojo gamtamokslinio ugdymo aktualijoms. Pristatyti įvairūs praktiniai pavyzdžiai, nagrinėtos neformaliojo gamtamokslinio ugdymo patirtys. Prof. M. Bilek pranešime nagrinėjo chemijos didaktikos klausimus. Ypatingas dėmesys buvo skirtas virtualiems chemijos eksperimentams, taip pat eksperimentams pasitelkiant kompiuterines priemones. Prof. A. James aptarė STEM programos realizavimą dirbant su pradinių klasių mokytojais. Nagrinėti tokios programos parengimo bei praktinio realizavimo aspektai, pateiktos konkrečios edukacinės patirtys. [...]. [Iš teksto, p. 104]

ENIn 2022, the national scientific-practical conference “Natural science education in a comprehensive school – 2022” was held remotely (online). Such conference format was determined by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic; therefore, the conference for the third time already, could not take place in its usual format. It is obvious that the plenary session “united” different continents – Africa (speaker Dr. Angela James from Republic of South Africa), Latin America (Dr. Solange Locatelli from Brazil), Europe (Dr. Martin Bilek from Czech Republic, Dr. Malgorzata Nodzynska-Moron from Poland, and Dr. Rita Birzina from Latvia). All plenary reports in their own way were interesting and relevant. Prof. M. Nodzynska-Moron’s report was dedicated to non-formal natural science education realities. Various practical examples were presented, non-formal natural science education experiences were analysed. Prof. M. Bilek analysed chemistry didactics issues in his report. A special attention was paid to virtual chemistry experiments, as well as to experiments using computer tools. Prof. A. James discussed the implementation of STEM programme while working with primary school teachers. Preparation and practical implementation aspects of such programme were analysed, concrete educational experiences were presented. In the first section, the reports were mainly devoted to the problems of pre-school, primary and general natural science education. A total of 9 reports were presented. In the second section, issues of natural science and technological education in gymnasium and in higher education institutions were discussed. A total of 10 reports were presented. It is interesting that in the second section, three reports of foreign researchers were presented. The topics of the research were diverse, basically various areas of natural science and technological education were discussed.It is important that the participants were active, intense discussions and sharing of experiences took place. The results of the ongoing international project “Bridge2Teach” were presented at the conference. More information about this project can be found on the project website (https://www.bridge2teach-project.eu). Various natural science education topics were presented in other reports. On the second day of the conference, a seminar was held for natural science teachers “Integrated science education in Lithuania: achievements and future perspectives” (The project is funded by the Lithuanian Science Council No. P-REP-21-8). Insights, recommendations, and conclusions of the research. Most conference reports were presented in the form of articles and published in the conference proceedings. One can find full texts in the database at: https://oaji.net/journal-archivestats. html?number=1984&year=2022&issue=19320 Keywords: online platform, national conference, science education, science teachers, science pedagogy. [From the publication]

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