Tėvų požiūris į vaikų adaptaciją priešmokyklinio ugdymo grupėje

Sklaidos publikacijos / Dissemination publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Tėvų požiūris į vaikų adaptaciją priešmokyklinio ugdymo grupėje
Alternative Title:
Parents' attitude towards children's adaptation in pre-school group
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aptariamas tėvų požiūris į vaikų adaptaciją priešmokyklinio ugdymo grupėje, pateikiama mokslinės literatūros analizė, skirta adaptacijos proceso apibrėžimui, adaptacijos veiksnių analizei, priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų apibūdinimui. Straipsnyje pateikiami atlikto tyrimo, analizuojančių tėvų nuomones į vaikų adaptacija, rezultatai, pateikiamos rekomendacijos, skirtos tėvams ir ugdytojams, užtikrinančios adaptacijos proceso palengvinimą. Prasminiai žodžiai: adaptacija, priešmokyklinis amžius, bendradarbiavimas, ugdymo veiksniai, socializacija. [Iš leidinio]

ENRelevance of the subject. According to A. Boler (2008), children's adaptation in the kindergarten plays a crucial role. H. M. Pieper, J. W. Pieper (2013) point out that it is not so important when a child starts to attend a kindergarten, it is more important how he feels there. A. Ruzgienė, S. Petružienė (2005) notices that a child's behavior changes starting to attend a kindergarten or a school. Moreover, a child must change many of his/her previously formed forms of behavior. In addition, children's health, neural functions also change during the adaptation period. It is a difficult task to change habits suddenly and to adapt quickly, and for some children it even becomes insurmountable task. The problem. There exist many factors determining successful child's adaptation. Parents whose child attends an educational institution naturally raise problematic questions: "Will a child get good care?", "Will he feel good?" Analyzing the conceptions of adaptation, the problem emerges - how to help a child to adapt successfully in an educational institution?.Aim of the work - to reveal parents and teachers' attitude towards a child's adaptation in the pre-school group. The objects of the work: to theoretically justify the factors influencing a child's adaptation process; 2. To empirically determine parents and teachers' attitude towards the peculiarities of a pre-school child's adaptation process. Methods of the work: analysis of scientific literature, a survey method (written form). The results of the research revealed that children adapt successfully only when they feel parents and teachers' overall support and cooperation. Children attending a pre-school group gain good social skills and also get ready for further socialization. It is necessary to support child's gradual transition from a family to a kindergarten, later to a pre-school group because successful adaptation helps children to develop social competence among the peers and adults. Keywords: adaptation, pre-school age, cooperation, educational factors, socialization. [From the publication]

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