Lietuvos edukologijos universiteto raidos bruožai

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvos edukologijos universiteto raidos bruožai / Antanas Kiveris, Libertas Klimka, Vida Kniūraitė, Gintautas Kundrotas ; sudarytojas Libertas Klimka
Alternative Title:
Historical outline of the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences
Klimka, Libertas, sudarymas [com]
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Lietuvos edukologijos universiteto leidykla, 2015.
79 p
Bibliografija ir asmenvardžių rodyklė.
Rektoriaus žodis apie universiteto praeitį, dabartį ir ateitį — I. Ištakos (1775-1832): Pirmoji mokytojų seminarija; Apygardų mokytojų rengimas — II. Pradžia (1935-1944): Respublikos pedagoginis institutas Klaipėdoje; Pedagoginio instituto kelias į Vilnių — III. Raida sovietmečiu (1944-1990: Sunkūs pokario metai; Sovietmečio ideologijos varžtuose; „Brandaus socializmo" statyboje; Audringieji ir viltingieji 1988-1990 metai — IV. Atgavus Lietuvos nepriklausomybę (1990-2015): Reformų keliu; Modernizacijai įsibėgėjus — Šaltiniai — Literatūra — Priedai: 1 priedas. Direktoriai ir rektoriai (1935-2015); 2 priedas. Absolventai (1948-2014); 3 priedas. Absolventai pagal studijų formas ir pakopas (1992-2014) — Summary — Asmenvardžių rodyklė — Iliustracijų sąrašas.
Summary / Abstract:

LTLeidinyje apžvelgiama Lietuvos edukologijos universiteto, pagrindinės mokyklų pedagogų kalvės, pažyminčios savo įkūrimo 80-metį, istorinės ištakos, pradedant nuo 1775 m., bei visa struktūrinė-administracinė raida Klaipėdoje, Panevėžyje ir Vilniuje, nulemta permainingų istorinių aplinkybių. [Anotacija knygoje]

ENThe first seminarium of teacher training in Lithuania was acting in 1775-1781 at Jesuit's residence in Lukiškės, Vilnius. The idea of the higher level learning of teachers was hold up by the head of Commision of National Education bishop Ignacy Jakub Massalski (1726-1794). It was the age of the European Enlightenment in science and culture, which also occurred in Lithuania - Polish State. The Institute for the purpose of teachers training was arranged in 1783. The total number of students was about 20; all of them were supported by the state payment. The programme of the studies was enlarged by adding the full course of gymnasium disciplines at the level of the university. Many of the postgraduates of the Institute become the famous in the field of science and culture. The closure of the Institute by Russia power occurred in 1832 after the upraising for the independency of the country. Rapid development of economics and culture of the Republic of Lithuania in the 4th decade of the 20th century accelerated the reform of general education. While implementing its measures, first of all, teachers for six-year primary schools had to be trained. The Ministry of Education set up a commission who drafted a law on Pedagogical institutes. On 1 July 1935 taking the latter document for the background the Act by the President of the Republic Antanas Smetona was passed. It declared the establishment of the first institution of higher education of a pedagogical profile in Klaipėda. The choice of location for the institution was made due to the intention to enhance political and cultural integration of the West coast of Lithuania. Dr. Vytautas Soblys, a graduate of the University of Sorbonne, a licentiate degree in Philosophy holder, was appointed Headmaster of the Institute. Mečislovas Mačernis, a former principal of Tauragė gymnasium, became an inspector.Subsequently, since 1 November 1937, he overtook the leadership of the Institute. The opening and immatriculation ceremonies took place on 18 of September 1935. In the first year of its existence 146 students enrolled at the Institute. The Ministry of Education used to approve the curriculum to be taught, number of academic hours meant for the subjects, examination order and number of students. The professors' board comprising Headmaster, inspector, all the lecturers and assistants were responsible for the inner life of the Institute. In the beginning, the academic staff consisted of 15 persons, just three of them were academic degree holders, later on the number of the staff increased up to 24. The Institute was established in the premises of the former Teacher Training Seminary, rented by the directorate of Klaipėda region. The studies were free of charge, those students who came from poorer backgrounds were awarded grants that ranged from 50 to 100 Litas. Nice villas such as „Sveikata" („Health") established in Giruliai were rented for dormitory purposes of female students, male students rented accommodation in private flats themselves. Since 1 September 1936 there was established an eight-year model school at the Institute to create good environment for students conducting their teaching practice. Soon a new modern building was built for such a type of a school, further to it, a year and a half later an extension for students' physical education was established.The very start, especially the first decades of the development of the Pedagogical institute cannot be described as a good one. Like a boat in a stormy sea it was constantly distracted either by the requirements of the Education system that were getting more and more modern or changing political situation in Klaipėda region; due to the latter reasons the Institute had constantly to change and update the curriculum. Since the autumn of 1937 in order to enhance the positions of Lithuanianship in Klaipėda region for those who intended to teach there a fifth term was introduced. The Pedagogical institute was nearly the only institution of higher education who paid much attention to the discovery of the native country through such disciplines as Lithuanian lore, Lithuanian ethnology. The first graduates graduated from Klaipėda Pedagogical institute in 1937. By the summer of 1940 the total number of those who obtained a primary teacher's qualification and special higher education was 443. On 22 March 1939 when Klaipėda region was seized by Germany the Pedagogical institute had to be relocated to Panevėžys. There the third generation comprising 98 graduates graduated from the Institute. In the new place there was also an attempt made to cherish the traditions to involve students into social activities or study trips. In subsequent academic year a model primary school was opened at the Institute. However, in the same year the historical events that occurred in Lithuania made the Pedagogical institution of higher education move to Vilnius. [...]. [From the publication]

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