LTKonkursai jau ne vienas dešimtmetis yra liaudies dailės gyvenimo realija. Straipsnio tikslas - paanalizuoti, kokia konkursų įtaka visam dabartiniam liaudies menui ar vienai kuriai liaudies dailės šakai? Atsakymas į šį klausimų nėra paprastas ir vienareikšmis. Konkurso esmė yra vienokia ar kitokia konkurencija. Ką ji reiškia ir kaip, kokias būdais reiškiasi liaudies dailėje? Raktiniai žodžiai: konkursas, liaudies menas, medžio drožėjai, tautodailininkai. [Iš leidinio]
ENCompetitions have been the reality of folk art for several decades already. The aim of the article is to analyse the impact of such competitions on the present folk art or an individual branch of folk art. The Competition of Wood Carvers for the Award of Lionginas Šepka organised by the Rokiškis Regional Museum and sponsored by Rokiškis Municipality is the only sculpture competition of such scope. Eighteen competitions have already been arranged since 1994 with over 200 masters participants from the entire Lithuania. The competition reflects the stylistic trends of the present folk sculpture and their multiple links with heritage: from traditionally generalised to scrupulously modelled forms; from abstract to decorative stylised forms. Along with single sculptures and bas-reliefs, there are a number of multiple figure compositions on ethnographic, traditional sacral, and philosophical plots. [From the publication]