"Hapax legomena" в Книге Иова и их рецепция в восточнославянских библиях XV–XVI вв.

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"Hapax legomena" в Книге Иова и их рецепция в восточнославянских библиях XV–XVI вв
Alternative Title:
"Hapax legomena" in the book of Job and their reception in East Slavic Bibles of the 15th–16th centuries
In the Journal:
Slavistica Vilnensis. 2022, 67 (2), p. 24-39
Summary / Abstract:

LTThe article deals with the lexical correspondences to the Hebrew 'hapax legomena' in the Book of Job, presented in the translation of Job into Ruthenian ('prosta(ja) mova') as a part of the 'Vilnius Old Testament Florilegium' (F 19–262) (approx. 1517–1533) and in the 'Bible' by Francis Skoryna (1517–1519). Both versions are compared with the handwritten Church Slavonic 'Gennadius' Bible (1499) and the printed 'Ostrog' Bible (1581). Two Polish bibles — the 'Radziviłł (Brest)' Bible (1563) and the 'Nesvizh' Bible (1568–1572) by Symon Budny — are considered as well. Special attention was given to the cases when translations of biblical hapaxes were the result of prescriptive (conditioned by the canonical context and traditional exegesis) activity of translators. In such cases, the knowledge of implicit information that should be verified in the translation was of particular importance. On the other hand, we analyze the translations of unfamiliar words resulting from conjectural variation, when hapaxes were interpreted on the basis of grammatical and syntactic norms and according to the meaning of the context. Not devoid of subjectivity, such variants were often transferred into subsequent translations, turning into dogmatized formulations. During the historical development of the original language, the conjectural translation of individual words and entire text fragments partly compensate the translator’s lack of the necessary linguistic and extralinguistic information.

ENThus, while working on the translation of the Book of Job at the end of the 15th–16th centuries, the translators of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania had to solve a number of problems — from searching for their own translations’ versions when interpreting “dark” passages to the need to meet those normative guidelines that were dictated by biblical translations, exegetical writings, and other authoritative texts. Keywords: 'The Book of Job', the 'Vilnius Old Testament Florilegium' (F 19–262), the 'Bibl'e ('Bibliia ruska') by Franсis Skoryna, the 'Venetian' bible, the 'Gennadius' bible, the 'Ostrog Bible', the 'Radziviłł (Brest) Bible', the 'Nesvizh Bible', Hebrew, Church Slavonic, Ruthenian ('prosta(ja) mova'), hapax legomena. [From the publication]Straipsnyje nagrinėjami hebrajų tekstų hapaksų leksiniai atitikmenys Jobo knygoje, aptinkami šios knygos vertimuose į rusėnų kalbą. Vertimai yra Vilniaus Senojo Testamento kodekso dalis (F 19–262) (apie 1517–1533) ir Pranciškaus Skorinos biblijoje (1517–1519). Abu tekstai lyginami su rankraštine bažnytine slavų kalba parašyta Genadjevo biblija (1499) ir spausdinta jos pagrindu sukurta Ivano Fiodorovo Ostrogo biblija (1581), taip pat su vertimais į lenkų kalbą – Radvilų (Bresto) biblija (1563) ir Symono Budno Nesvyžiaus biblija (1568–1572). XV–XVI a. pabaigos LDK vertėjai, versdami Jobo knygą, turėjo išspręsti daugybę problemų – nuo vertimų versijų paieškos aiškinant „tamsias“ vietas iki poreikio laikytis normatyvinių gairių, kurias diktavo konfesijoms autoritetingi biblijos vertimai, egzegetiniai raštai ir kt. Lyginant skirtingus konfesinius Jobo knygos variantus, pasirodžiusius nurodytu laikotarpiu LDK teritorijoje, akivaizdu, kad daugeliu atvejų Biblijos hapaksų vertimai buvo preskriptyvios (sąlyginio kanoninio konteksto ir tradicinės egzegezės), taip pat konjektūrinės vertėjų veiklos rezultatas. Reikšminiai žodžiai: Jobo knyga, Senojo Testamento Vilniaus sąvadas (F 19–262), 'Pranciškaus Skorinos biblija', Venecijos biblija, Genadjevo biblija, Ostrogo biblija, Radvilų (Brаstоs) biblija, Nesvyžiaus biblija, hebrajų, bažnytinė slavų kalba, rusėnų kalba, 'hapax legomena'. [From the publication]

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2024-03-21 16:45:26
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