Žmogaus orumas kaip žmogaus teisių pagrindas

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Žmogaus orumas kaip žmogaus teisių pagrindas
Alternative Title:
Human dignity as the basis of human rights
In the Journal:
Visuomenės saugumas ir viešoji tvarka [Public security and public order]. 2022, 31, p. 122-130
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje teoriniu aspektu analizuojama, kaip suvokiama žmogaus orumo samprata jos santykyje su žmogaus garbe? Ar siejasi žmogaus poreikis į orumą su jo savigarbos apsauga? Tema apie žmogaus orumą, jo garbę, savigarbą iš etinės pusės kalbama nepakankamai, todėl temos naujumas grindžiamas poreikiu išsamiau aptarti žmogaus orumo kaip žmogaus teisių pagrindo etinį aspektą. Tyrimo objektas: žmogaus orumo kaip žmogaus teisių pagrindo etinis aspektas. Tyrimo tikslas: atskleisti žmogaus orumo kaip žmogaus teisių pagrindo etinį aspektą. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Aptarti žmogaus orumo sampratą, parodant jos ryšį su garbės etine kategorija; 2. Įvertinti žmogaus poreikį į orumą kaip savigarbos apsaugą. Tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros analizės metodas, teisės aktų analizės metodas, lyginamosios analizės metodas, apibendrinimas. Moralės ištakos stebimos žmonių socialiniame gyvenime. Žmogus yra kartu ir individuali (atskira, nepakartojama(, ir visuomeninė būtybė (socialinio junginio narys). Toks žmogaus padėties dvilypumas sąlygoja moralės reikalingumą. Moralė bando suderinti asmeninius ir visuomeninus interesus. Tiek orumas, tiek garbė kyla iš to, kad žmonės yra socialinės būtybės, kurios gali gyventi tik žmonių bendruomenėje. Žmogaus noras būti pripažintam kitų veikia jį motyvuojančiai. Žmogaus pripažinimo poreikis įgyja dvi skirtingas formas: siekis savo vertės patvirtinimo ir siekis savo būties patvirtinimo. Tuomet, kai kalbama apie savivertę, atsiranda ir garbės etinė kategorija. O kalbant apie žmogaus būties pripažinimą, turima galvoje jo orumas kaip politinis ir teisinis pripažinimas.Pagarba žmogaus prigimtiniam orumui yra būtina sąlyga, kad žmogus gerbtų save ir galėtų šią savigarbą rodyti išoriniam pasauliui. Savigarba, kuri suprantama kaip orumas, galima pažeisti, ar net sunaikinti.Žmogaus orumas lemia žmogaus teises į sveikаtą, lаisvę, аsmens neliečiamybę, аpsaugą. Žmogaus orumаs yra universali teisė, kurią turi kiekvienаs žmogus nepriklausomаi nuo religijos, lyties, rasės, pilietybės, išsilavinimo, todėl žmogaus orumаs nėra individuаli žmogaus savybė. Pagrindinės sąvokos: žmogaus orumas, savigarba, garbė, žmogaus teisės, etika. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe article analyses from a theoretical point of view, how is the concept of human dignity perceived in its relationship with human honour? Is a person's need for dignity related to the protection of his self-esteem? The topic of human dignity, his honour, self-respect is not discussed enough from an ethical point of view, so the novelty of the topic is based on the need to discuss in more detail the ethical aspect of human dignity as the basis of human rights. Research object: ethical aspect of human dignity as the basis of human rights. The purpose of the study: to reveal the ethical aspect of human dignity as the basis of human rights. Research tasks: 1. Discuss the concept of human dignity, showing its connection with the ethical category of honour; 2. Assess a person's need for dignity as a protection of self-respect. Research methods: scientific literature analysis method, legislation analysis method, comparative analysis method, generalization. The article presents the difference between the concepts of natural and conditional dignity. Considering the constitutional principle of respect for human dignity and its protection, the natural understanding of dignity is meant. The Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania states that human dignity is protected by law, that it is forbidden to humiliate or infringe on human dignity, and that it is necessary to protect human dignity, in other words, human dignity can never be lost. Natural dignity refers to the idea that all people have the right to have their dignity respected simply because they are human. In contrast, the conditional understanding of dignity refers to a special claim to respect, which is associated with prominent, especially honourable positions (e.g., the dignity of a president, bishop, etc.) or with personal achievements (the concept of merit dignity).The understanding of inherent dignity necessarily has features of universality and equality, i. e. applies equally to all people. In contrast, the concept of conditional dignity serves social gradation and hierarchization. The demand for dignity is understood as a social honour that is given to especially deserving people. Conditional dignity thus describes a position of respect that a person must earn through their behaviour. Usually, it is often combined with the term honour. The article also discusses the difference between dignity and social respect. This corresponds to the difference between the self-esteem that a person has only because of their humanity, and the self-worth that is based on a person's abilities and achievements. Ethics is the science of human morality, and the origins of morality are observed in people's social life. A person is both an individual (separate, unique) and a social being (a member of a social unit). Such a duality of the human situation determines the necessity of morality. Morality tries to harmonize personal and social interests. Both dignity and honour arise from the fact that people are social beings that can only live in a human community and one's desire to be recognized by others motivates him. A person's need for recognition takes two different forms: the quest for validation of one's worth and the quest for validation of one's existence. Then, when it comes to self-worth, the ethical category of honour also appears. And when we talk about the recognition of human existence, we mean his dignity as a political and legal recognition. Respect for the natural dignity of a person is a necessary condition for a person to respect himself and be able to show this self-respect to the outside world.Self respect, which is understood as dignity, can be damaged or even destroyed. Human dignity determines human rights to health, freedom, inviolability, and protection. Human dignity is a universal right that every person has regardless of religion, gender, race, citizenship, or education, therefore human dignity is not an individual property of a person. Keywords: human dignity, self-respect, honour, human rights, ethics. [From the publication]

2029-1701; 2335-2035
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