Pradinių klasių mokinių sąlytis su gamta: pažinimo problema ir edukacinės perspektyvos

Sklaidos publikacijos / Dissemination publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Pradinių klasių mokinių sąlytis su gamta: pažinimo problema ir edukacinės perspektyvos
Alternative Title:
Contact of primary school students with nature: cognitive problem and educational perspectives
In the Journal:
[Natural Science Education in a Comprehensive School]. 2022, 28, p. 85-98. Gamtamokslinis ugdymas bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje
Summary / Abstract:

LTSocialinio ir gamtamokslinio ugdymo paskirtis pradinėje mokykloje - supažindinti mokinį su socialine ir gamtine aplinka, padėti atrasti ryšį tarp žmonių ir gamtos, išsiugdyti gebėjimus tyrinėjant pažinti pasaulį. Mokinių veikla gamtoje tai - natūrali tyrinėjimų laboratorija, kurioje tiesioginiu būdu susipažįstama su gamta. Tačiau vis dažniau pradinių klasių mokiniai gamtą mato ne natūraliai, o per virtualų langą. Virtualiai apkeliauti pasaulį ir pažinti gamtą galima per labai trumpą laiką, tačiau pažinti ją žmogiškaisiais pojūčiais galima tik natūraliai būnant gamtoje, pajuntant jos didybę ir atradimo džiaugsmą. Išmaniosios technologijos padeda pažinti gamtą, bet negali pakeisti natūralaus pažinimo per patirtį. Pradinių klasių mokiniams svarbu išmokti bendrauti su gamtos objektais, semtis iš jų energijos, grožėtis, atsipalaiduoti ir gebėti tinkamai ilsėtis joje. Teisingas pirminis aplinkos ir joje vykstančių procesų atradimas padeda ne tik pažinti ir suprasti supantį pasaulį, bet kartu formuoja atitinkamas vertybines nuostatas, gebėjimą adekvačiai gyventi gamtinėje-techninėje aplinkoje. [Iš Įvado]

ENStudents' activities in nature are a natural research laboratory where they get to know nature directly. However, more and more primary school students do not see nature naturally, but through a virtual window. It is possible to travel around the world virtually and get to know nature in a very short time, but to know it with human senses is only possible by being naturally in nature, feeling the greatness of nature and the joy of discovery. Smart technology helps to know nature, but it cannot replace natural cognition through experience. The correct initial discovery of the environment and the processes taking place in it not only helps to know and understand the surrounding world, but at the same time forms the corresponding values, the ability to live adequately in the naturaltechnical environment. Studies show that beginners spend little time in nature. According to, a survey of 10 countries shows that current beginners are outdoors for about half an hour a day, and one in nine "has not walked in a park, forest or other natural environment for at least 12 months. The aim of the research is to find out the contact of primary school students with nature and their attitude towards nature. Objectives: To analyze the literature on the importance of being in nature, its discovery and knowledge for primary school students. To determine the contact of primary school students with nature and their attitude towards nature through a semi-structured interview. From the results of the interviews to find out the connection between students / families leisure time and knowledge of nature.The study revealed: students' experiences of contact with nature are very different. The time spent in nature and the desire to be in it have a direct connection, the more often you are in nature, the more interesting it is and the more time you want to spend here. Students know a number of plants and remember the plants that bloom at the time and those that are presented with not only the name but something memorable about it. According to the students, it is necessary to know nature, to know poisonous and useful plants, dangerous animals, and it takes a lot of time to spend in nature. Students spend time in nature with parents, grandparents and teachers. Very few students mentioned parents as helpers in learning about nature. He was more like being with his parents in nature with his own knowledge of nature and having fun, warmly responding to the time spent in nature with his teacher, only feeling sorry that he rarely goes to nature. Students learn most about nature from their grandparents, as they not only introduce it, but tell a lot of interesting things about it. Throughout the conversation, it felt like an adult was important to the beginner to help him get to know him. Keywords: activities in nature, natural-technical environment, semi-structured interview, smart technology. [From the publication]

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