Vokiečių kalbos įtaka kuršininkų kalbos būdvardžio gramatinių formų ikoniškumui

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Vokiečių kalbos įtaka kuršininkų kalbos būdvardžio gramatinių formų ikoniškumui
Alternative Title:
Influence of the German language on the iconicity of the grammatical forms of the adjective in the Kursenieki language
In the Journal:
Baltistica. 2022, t. 57, Nr. 2, p. 219-238
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjamos kuršininkų kalbos būdvardžių gramatinės ypatybės, kurios išryškėjo XX a. pabaigos pateikėjų kalboje, dėl to ankstesnių tyrėjų nebuvo pastebėtos. Remiantis paskutiniosios kalbėtojų kartos pavyzdžiais, surinktais daugiausia iš rišlia kalba dokumentuotų įrašų, akcentuojamas būdvardžių gramatinės sistemos irimo požymis ‒ giminės, skaičiaus ir linksnio kategorijų ikoniškumo praradimas. Galūnių redukcija, ankstesniųjų autorių pastebėta kaip fonologinis reiškinys, čia nagrinėjama ne tik iš fonologinės, bet ir iš morfosintaksinės pozicijos. Nustatyta, kad padažnėję būdvardžių nederinimo su valdikliu atvejai susiję su predikatine būdvardžių funkcija. Baltų kalboms nebūdingos nederinamos ir neikoniškos formos laikytinos vokiečių kalbos gramatikos įtaka, kuri sustiprėjo per mokyklas su dėstomąja vokiečių kalba. Raktažodžiai: kuršininkų kalba; ikoniškumas; būdvardis; sintaksinė semantika; predikatinė funkcija; galūnių redukcija. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe New Curonian (Kursenieki) language of the Curonian Spit, formed as a Baltic geolect in the 15th–17th centuries from the dialects of the colonists who came from Courland, is already considered dead but scientific research and its results are important for Baltic studies. They provide data on the substrate of the Old Curonian language in the dialects of Courland, help to arrange the regularities of the evolution of these dialects in chronological order, and furnish a lot of material on issues of language interaction and the process of language decline. The article introduces the hitherto unexplored changes in the grammatical system of the adjective of the Kursenieki language, which took place during the last century. The research uses audio recordings of fieldwork from 1961 to 2011; the data is analysed and compared with data recorded in written sources from the second half of the 19th century. The methods of comparative morphonology and partially functional grammar aim to establish whether changes in the grammatical system of the adjective are a result of the internal evolution of the Kursenieki language or a result of language interaction. The Baltic languages are inflectional, and the strongly progressive reduction of vowels in final syllables in the Kursenieki geolect affected primarily the endings of words, as a result of which their iconicity in the inflectional system has greatly faded. After examining the material of several generations of informants the following became clear.1. The grammatical categories of gender, number and case of the adjective in the Kursenieki language maintained a stable system until the Bismarck school reform, i.e. until the introduction of German as the language of instruction and the Germanization of all areas of social life. In the second half of the 19th century, the material of the so-called Wenker phrases testifies not only to the still well-preserved endings of the Kursenieki language but also to the semantically and formally justified grammatical agreement of adjectives to the agreement controller. 2. In the language of the last generation of the speakers of the Kursenieki language, the gender, number and case form of adjectives often do not agree with the agreement controller. This tendency is most evident when the adjective performs the function of a predicate. In the speech of some informants, such forms make up almost half of the cases of the usage of predicate adjectives. 3. The far-advanced reduction of endings is a favourable medium for the penetrating influence of German grammar: in compound predicates, the parts of speech that perform the function of the agreement target lose their iconicity and syntactic semantics is controlled by other means (word order, prepositional constructions). This tendency is most prevalent in compound predicative constructions with 'būt/tapt' + adj. (+ nom.) and 'būt' + adv. And vice versa: the influence of German grammar, especially syntax, accelerated the decline of the functions of the inflections of the Kursenieki language and their even faster reduction. 4. The influence of German grammar on the system of the adjective and adjectival adverbs manifests itself in three ways: 1) the generalized use of a stem without inflection indicators in masculine gender N. pl. and feminine gender N. sg.; 2) a systematic reduction of adverbial forms of adjectival origin.3) generalized masculine gender even where it does not fit semantically (when it is easily seen from the context that the subject is of feminine gender). 5. Since in all the three cases mentioned partially iconic forms are also used parallelly, the above-mentioned changes in the grammar of the Kursenieki language can be considered relatively recent and are typical of the 20th-century generation of speakers who attended German schools and lived under conditions of intense bilingualism. Keywords: Kursenieki language; iconicity; adjective; syntactic semantics; predicate function; reduction of endings. [From the publication]

0132-6503; 2345-0045
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