Литовское посольство в Золотую Орду в 1348 г.: предпосылки и последствия

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Rusų kalba / Russian
Литовское посольство в Золотую Орду в 1348 г.: предпосылки и последствия
Alternative Title:
Lithuanian embassy in the Golden Horde in 1348: the background and consequences
In the Journal:
Золотоордынское обозрение [Golden horde review]. 2018, 6, 3, p. 504-527
Summary / Abstract:

ENResearch objective: To investigate the relationship between the Golden Horde and (not taking into account the Catholic states in the region) the other two largest state entities in Eastern Europe, the Lithuanian and Moscow principalities in the middle of the 14th century, on the basis of the Lithuanian embassy sent by the Lithuanian Grand Duke Olgerd to the khan of the Golden Horde Janibeg in 1348. Research materials: The study is mainly based on the Russian chronicles. A distinction is made between earlier and later Moscow chronicles, as well as some others, with emphasis of the importance of this distinction. Additionally, attention is drawn to the for mulations appearing in chronicles, and even to the chronicles’ tone, all of this being used as arguments in the article. Results and novelty of the research: The events considered in this article have been not sufficiently covered in research literature, despite their considerable, though rather short term, significance. The novelty of the research includes making the most complete and correct reconstruction of these events in the author's point of view and giving the appropriate meaning to the events primarily by explaining their consequences. Their integration into the context of interstate, including vassal, relations in Eastern Europe, is explored, as well as into the framework of the foreign policies of Janibeg Khan, the Lithuanian ruler, Grand Duke Olgerd, and the Muscovite ruler, Grand Prince Semen, in this period. Keywords: Medieval Embassies, Golden Horde, Lithuania, Moscow, Janibeg, Olgerd, Narimant, Grand Prince Semen, Battle of Strawe, Teutonic Order, Poland, Novgorod, Volhynia. [From the publication]

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