Ketinimą investuoti per tarpusavio skolinimo platformas lemiančių veiksnių vertinimas

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Ketinimą investuoti per tarpusavio skolinimo platformas lemiančių veiksnių vertinimas
Alternative Title:
Assessment of the factors affecting the intention to invest in a P2P lending platform
In the Journal:
Socialiniai tyrimai [Social Research]. 2022, t. 45, Nr. 2, p. 8-25
Summary / Abstract:

LTFinansų sistemos skaitmenizacija, naujųjų finansinių technologijų augimas keičia ne tik finansų rinkos sąlygas, bet ir žmonių priimamus finansinių sprendimus. Finansinių technologijų vystymasis skatina naujų finansinių paslaugų bei produktų atsiradimą, tokių kaip tarpusavio skolinimas. Augant šių paslaugų rinkai, mokslinėje literatūroje vis didesnis dėmesys skiriamas investavimo ketinimo per tarpusavio skolinimo platformas analizei bei ketinimą investuoti lemiančių veiksnių vertinimui. Pažymėtina, kad nors mokslininkų susidomėjimas šią sritimi didėja, tačiau ištirtumas Europos kontekste nėra pakankamas, o tai atskleidžia šio tyrimo aktualumą. Tyrime siekiama įvertinti veiksnius, lemiančius ketinimą investuoti per tarpusavio skolinimo platformas Lietuvoje. Tyrimui atlikti anketinės apklausos būdu rinkti tyrimo duomenys. Tyrimo imtį sudarė 211 respondentų. Konceptualus tyrimo modelis sudarytas pritaikant modifikuotą technologijų priėmimo (TAM) modelį, kuris realizuotas struktūrinių lygčių modeliavimo metodu (SEM). SEM analizė atskleidė, kad netiesioginį poveikį ketinimui investuoti per tarpusavio skolinimo platformas turėjo pasitikėjimo tarpusavio skolinimo platforma, suvokiamos rizikos ir rizikos apetito veiksniai. Netiesioginis poveikis pasireiškė per požiūrio į tarpusavio skolinimo platformas veiksnį, kuris turėjo stiprų ir reikšmingą teigiamą poveikį ketinimui investuoti per tarpusavio skolinimo platformas. Reikšmingi žodžiai: tarpusavio skolinimas; investavimo ketinimas; modifikuotas technologijų priėmimo modelis (TAM); struktūrinių lygčių modeliavimas (SEM). [Iš leidinio]

ENThe digitalisation of the financial system and the rapid growth of new financial technologies are contributing not only to the change of the financial system, but also to the change of the way people make financial decisions. The development of financial technologies has led to the emergence of new financial services and products, such as P2P lending. With the growth P2P lending market, the scientific literature pays more and more attention to the analysis of investment intentions through P2P lending platforms and the assessment of the factors affecting the intention to invest (Dja’akum, 2019; Fiorentino et al., 2020; Khan et al., 2021Yang ir Lee, 2016; Poeteri, et al., 2021). It should be noted that, although the interest of researchers in this field is growing, the research in the European context is not sufficient, which reveals the relevance of this study. Thus, the aim of the present study is to assess the factors that affect the intention to invest through P2P lending platforms in Lithuania. A theoretical review of the scientific literature revealed that previous empirical studies have categorised the factors of the intention to invest through peer-to-peer lending platforms into individual and platform factors. Individual factors are understood as risk appetite, perceived risk, financial literacy, while platform factors are understood as perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, trust. Attitude toward behaviour can be seen as both an individual and a platform factor. Other factors, such as relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, perceived behaviour control are also distinguished in the scientific literature, but are not considered in the analysis of the intention to invest through peer-to-peer lending platforms.Research data was collected through an online survey. The survey questionnaire was distributed online between February and April 2022. The survey sample consisted of 211 respondents. The conceptual research model was developed using a Modified Technological Acceptance (TAM) model, which was performed using the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) method. The SEM analysis revealed that the intention to invest through P2P lending platforms was indirectly influenced by the trust of the P2P lending platform, perceived risk and risk appetite factors. The indirect impact was through attitude toward P2P lending platforms factor, which had a strong and significant positive impact on the intention to invest through P2P lending platforms. The effect of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use on Lithuanian investors‘ attitudes towards P2P lending platforms was not statistically significant, and therefore no statistically significant effect of these factors on the intention to invest through P2P lending platforms was found. Keywords: P2P lending, investment intention, TAM, SEM. [From the publication]

1392-3110; 2351-6712
2025-02-25 11:39:23
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