Tautinis kostiumas - regioninei tapatybei skleisti

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Tautinis kostiumas - regioninei tapatybei skleisti
Alternative Title:
National costume - a disseminator of regional identity
In the Journal:
Lietuvos muziejų rinkiniai. 2022, Nr. 21, p. 70-74
Summary / Abstract:

LTRaseinių krašto istorijos muziejaus (RKIM) Etnografijos rinkinyje saugomi tekstilės eksponatai atspindi etninę pietų žemaičių kultūrą – audinių savitumą, drabužių vilkėjimo ypatumus. Atskirą šio rinkinio dalį sudaro moteriško tautinio kostiumo eksponatai, dėvėti XX a. Šių eksponatų pagrindu muziejuje vykdomos veiklos, skirtos išsamesniam regiono tautinio kostiumo pažinimui ir tradicinių amatų sklaidai. Reikšminiai žodžiai: etnografija, Raseinių krašto istorijos muziejus, žemaičių tautinis kostiumas. [Iš leidinio]

ENIn recent years, we have noticed an increased interest in the Samogitian national costume, patterned ornaments, colours and their meaning. Responding to the needs of local residents, with the help of national costume researchers, we created an opportunity for residents of the region, especially young people, to study the ethnic cultural heritage of Raseiniai. Activities aimed at a deeper understanding of the national costume of our region began in 2018. We planned to use as examples the textile exhibits stored in the Ethnography Collection of Raseiniai Region History Museum, which reflect the traditions, history, lifestyle, and the world-view of the people of Southern Samogitia. A separate part of this collection consists of exhibits of national costumes. These are women’s costumes worn in the 20th century. Unfortunately, there is no example of a man’s national costume in the museum. We are happy to have old photographs and publications that capture man’s national costume. In 2022, after receiving funding from Lithuanian Council for Culture, men’s national costumes will be restored and sewn.In 2020–2021, we carried out the project “Samogitian national costume. Tradition and the present”, financed by the Lithuanian Council for Culture and Raseiniai District Municipality. We published the publication “Textiles preserved by the residents of Raseiniai region. National costume” with project activities. With the help of Ramutė Jegnorienė, a weaver from Raseiniai, we organized practical training where the participants learned how to weave Samogitian red-checked shawls, aprons, fabrics for striped skirts and vests. National costume specialist Danutė Keturakienė from Lithuanian National Culture Centre introduced the project participants with the national costume of the Lithuanian regions, highlighted the features of the Samogitian national costume. R. Jegnorienė read the lecture “National costumes and their details preserved by the residents of Raseiniai region. Research, restoration of the most unique examples for further enshrining of the tradition”. The four Samogitian women’s costumes woven and sewn during the project make a separate, unique part of the national costumes stored in the museum. In creating these costumes, the examples-exhibits of the national costume of the Samogitian region stored not only in Raseiniai Regional History Museum but also in Lithuanian museums, the advice of masters of national heritage, information from various publications and electronic space were used. [From the publication]

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Lietuvių tautinis kostiumas / Teresė Jurkuvienė. Vilnius : Baltos lankos, 2006. 246 p.
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