Bendradarbiavimas atvejo vadybos procese, teikiant pagalbą mokyklos nelankantiems paaugliams

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Bendradarbiavimas atvejo vadybos procese, teikiant pagalbą mokyklos nelankantiems paaugliams
Alternative Title:
Cooperation in the case management process providing help for adolescents who do not attend school
In the Journal:
Tiltai [Bridges] [Brücken]. 2022, Nr. 2 (89), p. 159-181
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠiame straipsnyje pristatomas atvejo vadybininkų požiūris dėl bendradarbiavimo su socialiniais pedagogais galimybių, teikiant pagalbą mokyklos nelankantiems paaugliams. Straipsnis parengtas, remiantis mokslinės ir normatyvinės literatūros analize, autorių atlikto kokybinio tyrimo radiniais. Kokybinio tyrimo duomenų analizė išryškino šiuos radinius: atvejo vadybininkų nuomone, bendradarbiavimą su socialiniais pedagogais sustiprintų bendri susitikimai, praktiniai užsiėmimai, bendros supervizijos, sukurtas nuoseklaus bendradarbiavimo algoritmas, kartu užtikrinti vaiko gerovę vykdant pokyčius ir siekiant teigiamų rezultatų. Pagrindiniai žodžiai: bendradarbiavimas, atvejo vadybos procesas, mokyklos nelankantys paaugliai. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe main indicators of adjustment difficulties at school are students’ lack of progress, absenteeism, drug and alcohol use, and criminal behaviour. Therefore, according to the ‘Lithuanian Progress Strategy Lithuania 2030’ (Lietuvos pažangos strategija Lietuva, 2030, 2012), society must focus on a common goal and become active, unanimous, and constantly learning and aiming to achieve the goals set out in this strategy. It is noted that each person must be open to change, creative, hardworking and responsible. The school plays an important role in the child’s right to education, as it contributes to the child’s socialisation and adaptation to changes taking place in society, and creates conditions for the child to acquire an education. In cooperation with other institutions (health-care institutions, institutions providing social assistance, the student’s parents or one of the parents [guardians, caregivers], the school community, etc), the school aims to ensure the provision of quality social educational assistance (Law on Amendments to the Education Law of the Republic of Lithuania, 2011). In order to ensure the well-being of adolescents, while creating an emotionally and physically safe environment for the child to grow and develop, the children’s rights protection system has been undergoing restructuring since 2018. As part of the reforms in the field of child and family support, on 1 July 2018 a new position of case manager appeared in Lithuania. One of the case manager’s goals is to coordinate the process of helping the child and the family, and to assemble a team of specialists to help the family. The position of the case manager emerged as the result of qualitative and structural changes in the children’s rights protection system.The desire to provide better-quality and coordinated services to a family in crisis (including the child living in it) led to the creation of the new position. Case management is currently one of the most common social work methods (Dirgelienė, Alėjūnė, 2020). J. Pivorienė (2007) states that case management is applied to clients whose problems cannot be solved by one institution or one system, and who need complex, long-term and continuous assistance. J. Weinstein, C. Whittington, T. Leiba (2003), R. Carnwell, J. Buchanan (2009), H. Loughran, E. McCann (2013), S. Ališauskienė et al. (2007), J. Ruškus (2013), K. Stewart, V. Thorrington (2015), P. Dettmer, P. L. Thurston, J. Norma (2019), O. E. Firbank, J.P. Breimo et al. (2016), and P. O’Leary et al. (2018) define cooperation as one of the social work intervention methods which, according to the authors, can help better assess the client’s needs, and enable service recipients to share risks and resources, solving the difficulties that have arisen. Cooperation in the practice of social work can be one of the means that allows people in various jobs to find a common language in the process of family assistance. The problem of cooperation is relevant in the context of the case management process, since various social factors lead to the emergence of complex problems, the solution of which is not enough for a single organisation or institution providing social services. It is especially urgent when it comes to complex help for teenagers. The work of several institutions is necessary in order to ensure effective assistance.The peculiarities of the case management process were analysed by: G. Weezel et al. (2012), B. Švedaitė-Sakalauskė (2014), A. Kiaunytė, V. Lygnugarienė (2019), L. Žalimienė, L. Gvaldaitė, V. Gevorgianienė et al. (2020), R. Čiužas, J. A. Wakar (2016), D. M. Green, S. Ellis (2017), Zhakupbayev (2018), J. F. Gilgun, A. Sharma (2012), N. Vaswani, L. Merone (2014), C. E. Domitrovich, J. A. Durlak, K. C. Staley, R. P. Weissberg (2017), and J. Case-Smith (2013). Based on qualitative research conducted both in Lithuania and abroad on helping children who do not attend school and who experience social risks, we sought to clarify the possibilities for cooperation in the case management process, providing assistance to teenagers who do not attend school. The research issue was: What are the opportunities for cooperation in the case management process in helping adolescents who do not attend school from the perspective of case managers? The object was: Opportunities for cooperation in the case management process providing assistance to teenagers who do not attend school, based on the case manager’s point of view. The purpose of the research was: To analyse the possibilities for cooperation with social educators in the process of case management, based on the case manager’s point of view when providing assistance to adolescents who do not attend school. [...] Keywords: cooperation, case management process, adolescents who do not attend school. [From the publication]

1392-3137; 2351-6569
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