Kovo 11-osios Akto signataro Romualdo Ozolo apdovanojimai ir ženklai, saugomi Lietuvos nacionaliniame muziejuje

Sklaidos publikacijos / Dissemination publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kovo 11-osios Akto signataro Romualdo Ozolo apdovanojimai ir ženklai, saugomi Lietuvos nacionaliniame muziejuje
Alternative Title:
Awards and badges of Romualdas Ozolas, a signatory of the Act of 11th March, preserved at the National museum of Lithuania
In the Journal:
Lietuvos muziejų rinkiniai. 2020, Nr. 19, p. 45-52
Summary / Abstract:

LTVienas pagrindinių Lietuvos Persitvarkymo Sąjūdžio kūrėjų, Kovo 11-osios Akto signataras, filosofas Romualdas Ozolas (1939– 2015) 2010 m. Lietuvos nacionaliniam muziejui perdavė savo gautus apdovanojimus ir rinktų ženklelių kolekciją. Šis jo perduotas rinkinys turi didelę istorinę, memorialinę, kultūrinę vertę. Jo patekimas į muziejų – reikšmingas indėlis į Faleristikos rinkinį. Svarbiausi apdovanojimai bei ženklai ir bus pristatyti publikacijoje. Tai Didžiojo Lietuvos kunigaikščio Gedimino 2-ojo laipsnio ordinas (įteiktas 2000 m.), Lietuvos nepriklausomybės medalis (įteiktas 2000 m.), Estijos valstybinis apdovanojimas – Marijos žemės kryžiaus 4-ojo laipsnio ordinas (įteiktas 2005 m.), taip pat du tarpukario Lietuvos apdovanojimai, 1991 m. sausio 13-osios naktį signataro gauti iš dviejų nepažįstamų Aukščiausiosios Tarybos gynėjų – Vyties Kryžiaus 1-ojo laipsnio ordinas (Nr. 763) ir Lietuvos nepriklausomybės medalis. Taip pat pristatomi jam priklausę LSSR Aukščiausiosios Tarybos deputato (1989), SSRS liaudies deputato (1989), Kovo 11-osios Akto signataro ženklai (1994) bei R. Ozolo surinktų ženklelių kolekcija, kurios nemažą dalį sudaro Sąjūdžio laikų ženkleliai. Reikšminiai žodžiai: Lietuvos nacionalinis muziejus, Romualdas Ozolas, Sąjūdis, Kovo 11-osios Akto signataras, Didžiojo Lietuvos kunigaikščio Gedimino ordinas, Lietuvos nepriklausomybės medalis. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe collection of Phaleristics of the National Museum of Lithuania preserves many awards of Lithuanian state and cultural figures of the 20th – the beginning of the 21st century. Romualdas Ozolas (1939–2015), one of the main founders of the Reform Movement of Lithuania, a signatory of the Act of 11th March, a philosopher, in 2010 handed over the awards he had received and the collection of the badges to the National Museum of Lithuania. The article presents the most important of them and related to his activities as the creator of the Sąjūdis and a signatory of the Act of 11th March. As a candidate nominated by the Sąjūdis in 1989–1990, R. Ozolas was a deputy of the Supreme Council of the LSSR, a deputy of the USSR. The badges of the deputy of the LSSR Supreme Soviet, the People’s Deputy of the USSR, and the badge of the signatory of the Act of 11th March, which belonged to R. Ozolas, were handed over to the museum. Also, two interwar Lithuanian awards are presented. On the night of January 13, 1991, two unknown defenders of the Supreme Council handed the signatory the 1st Class Vytis Cross (No. 763), which in 1920 was awarded to Stasys Putvinskis (1898–1942), a junior lieutenant in the Vilnius commandant’s office, who later became the Lithuanian Minister of Agriculture as well as the Medal of the Independence of Lithuania. In 2000, R. Ozolas was awarded State awards – 2nd Class Order of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Gediminas. It consists of a badge of the Order for hanging on the neck and a star of the Order. In the same year, commemorating the 10th anniversary of Lithuania’s Independence, the signatory, together with other prominent persons, was awarded the Medal of the Independence of Lithuania.Commemorating the merits of R. Ozolas for the Restoration of the Independence of the Baltic States, for the cooperation in the Restoration of the Independence of Estonia, in 2005, R. Ozolas was awarded the Estonian State award – the Order of the 4th Class of Cross of the Land of Mary. Another interesting part of the signatory’s legacy, which has been included in the museum’s collection of Phaleristics, is the badges of Lithuania and various countries of the 2nd half of the 20th century – the first decade of the 21st century. The majority of them are attached on the 1982 calendar made of fabric with the inscription “Klaipeda”. Since R. Ozolas was one of the creators of Sajūdis, a significant part of the collection of badges consists of badges related to the Revival: Sąjūdis badges, with the national and Revival symbolism. There are several badges of the Lithuanian Centre Union, the creator of which was R. Ozolas. Some of the badges are related to the signatory’s hobbies and leisure. However, a significant part of the badges is related to the years of existence of the USSR. The collection of awards and badges that used to belong to R. Ozolas, which entered the museum, has a great historical, memorial, and cultural value. It reflects many of the signatory’s activities, testifies about his aspirations, works, political views, and leisure interests. These memorabilia have significantly complemented the museum’s collection of Phaleristics. [From the publication]

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